Fracture toughness of two Cr2Hf+Cr intermetallic composites as a function temperature

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Engineering
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Creator Chandran, Ravi
Other Author Miracle, D. B.; Mendiratta, M. G.
Title Fracture toughness of two Cr2Hf+Cr intermetallic composites as a function temperature
Date 1994
Description Fracture toughness as a function of temperature was evaluated for two Cr2Hf+Cr intermetallic composites, each in two different microstructural conditions. The proeutectic microstructures based on Cr-6.5Hf (at%) showed a significant increase in fracture toughness with an increase from room temperature to 600°C.
Type Text
Publisher Materials Research Society
Volume 350
First Page 249
Last Page 254
Subject fracture toughness; fracture resistance; Intermetallic composites; proeutectic microstructures; eutectic microstructures
Subject LCSH Fracture mechanics; Intermetallic compounds; Temperature
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Ravichandran, K. S., Miracle, D. B., & Mendiratta, M. G. (1994). Fracture toughness of two Cr2Hf+Cr intermetallic composites as a function temperature. Materials Research Society Symposium - Proceedings, 350, 249-54.
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