3D analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomography

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Publication Type Journal Article
School or College College of Mines and Earth Sciences
Department Metallurgical Engineering
Creator Miller, Jan D.; Lin, Chen-Luh
Title 3D analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomography
Date 2003
Description In general, x-ray computed tomographic (CT) techniques are able to provide 3D images of the internal structure of opaque materials in a nondestructive manner. The unique cone beam geometry allows acquisition of all 2D projections with only one rotation of the sample thus providing for fast data acquisition and better x-ray utilization, as a complete 2-D detector array receives the cone-shaped flux of rays.
Type Text
Publisher South African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (SAIMM)
First Page 1561
Last Page 1570
Subject X-ray microtomography; Liberation; Heap leaching; Exposure analysis; Coal washability
Language eng
Bibliographic Citation Miller, J. D. & Lin, C. L. (2003). 3D analysis of particulates in mineral processing systems by cone beam X-ray microtomography, in Lorenzen, L., Bradshaw, D. J., Aldrich, C., Eksteen, J. J., Wright, M., & Thom, E. eds. Proceedings of XXII International Mineral Processing Congress: 29 September - 3 October 2003, Cape Town, South Africa. 1561-70.
Rights Management (c) South African Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (SAIMM)
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 1,444,338 bytes
Identifier ir-main,4725
ARK ark:/87278/s6ht36qg
Setname ir_uspace
ID 704950
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6ht36qg
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