Human trafficking in Utah, America and the world

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Publication Type honors thesis
School or College College of Humanities
Department International Studies
Faculty Mentor Rebecca Utz
Creator Steadham, Angela
Title Human trafficking in Utah, America and the world
Year graduated 2014
Date 2014-07
Description To define human trafficking is to describe one of the most inhumane crimes in daily practice. It is modern day slavery. Human Trafficking is the recruitment, transport, transfer, harboring, and receipt of persons by coercion, abduction, fraud, deception, abuse of power or force to exploit them. The exploitation that is human trafficking includes, but is not limited to: prostitution, forced labor or pornography, removal of organs (to be sold or traded) and servitude. According to the United Nations General Assembly 2007; human trafficking is keeping trafficked people hidden, using threats, force or any form of coercion, kidnaping, using venerability to commit fraud and being on the receiving end of payments from a labor trafficked or otherwise exploiting an individual. Human trafficking is when people are coerced to do the bidding of their ‘employer', against their will. Victims are treated like property; they are moved and used like drugs. There are multiple tactics that human traffickers use to control people and coerce them into being slaves. These techniques all have the same goal, to keep victims feeling less than human, ruined, worthless, and without free will. The technique of confiscation of documents is common when the victim is from another country. As another method, victims are also forced into extremely addictive drug use. This makes them more sedated, being less present mentally to fight back or make conscious choices. Other methods used to make and keep slaves for trafficking include rape, abuse, confinement, starvation, and torture. Traffickers also use methods of manipulation to convince victims that law enforcement is the enemy.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Human trafficking - United States
Language eng
Rights Management (c) Angela Steadham
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 1,223,116 bytes
Permissions Reference URL
ARK ark:/87278/s6cr9bkp
Setname ir_htoa
ID 205937
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