World War II
44th Bomb Group - 8 Ball Tails Magazine
44th Bomb Group - 8 Ball Tails Magazine
The 8 Ball Tails is a publication that chronicles the History, the Legacy, and the Stories of the 44th Bomb Group during WW II. Includes obituaries of members, stories of World War II activities, news of organization activities, etc.
Allen H. Lundgren Papers
Allen H. Lundgren Papers
The Allen H. Lundgren papers (1936-1947), consist primarily of correspondence from Allen Lundgren to his wife, Ruth, describing events during his service as a missionary for the LDS Church in Sweden and as a soldier in France and Germany during and after World War II.
Interviews with Jewish People in Utah
Interviews with Jewish People in Utah
The interviews with Jews in Utah collection (1982-1988) is part of a project funded by the Utah Endowment for the Humanities and undertaken by the Oral History Institute of Salt Lake City, Utah. Events recalled by the interviewees span the time period from the 1880s to 1986. Common themes include family life, immigration, relations with the LDS community, religious activity, the unification of the congregations Montefiore and B'nai Israel, Jewish businesses and organizations, and World War II.
KUED Topaz Residents Collection
KUED Topaz Residents Collection
The KUED Topaz Collection contains images used for the KUED 1987 documentary on the Topaz Internment Camp in Delta, Utah during World War II. The collection documents the journey of many Japanese Americans leaving behind home, jobs, and life to enter the Topaz Internment Camp.
Our Daily Diary, Topaz War Relocation Center
Our Daily Diary, Topaz War Relocation Center
Our Daily Diary is a diary kept by the High Third Grade children at the Topaz War Relocation Center during World War II. Students and their teacher document their every day experiences during the time of internment of Japanese-Americans.
Saving the Legacy Oral History Project
Saving the Legacy Oral History Project
The American West Center at the University of Utah is involved in a nationwide effort to preserve the stories of men and women who witnessed the events of World War II. This oral history project, Saving the Legacy: An Oral History of Utah's World War II Veterans, has the mission of interviewing veterans living in Utah and the Intermountain Region. The project is ongoing, and has been enlarged to include veterans of subsequent wars.
Topaz Oral Histories
Topaz Oral Histories
The Topaz oral history project collection contains transcripts of tapes, and related transcription materials of a collection of 70 oral history interviews which document the lives of Japanese Americans who were interned at the Topaz, Utah, camp. The interviews were conducted by Sandra Taylor of the University of Utah Department of History. Also included are copies of articles and other research materials.