Ellis Reynolds Shipp Papers
Ellis Reynolds Shipp Papers
This collection contains the papers of Dr. Ellis Reynolds Shipp, one of Utah's first female physicians. It includes her writings in the form of correspondence to family and friends, diary entries, autobiographical works and some poetry and general notes. Subjects such as early medical practice, family history, polygamy, and life in nineteenth and early twentieth century Utah are found.
Esplin Family Collection
Esplin Family Collection
The John Esplin family papers (1842-2009) contain documents from John Esplin and his descendants, a majority of which relate to family genealogy. John Esplin immigrated to the United States in the 1850s and settled in Utah.
Kennecott Miner Records
Kennecott Miner Records
Personnel records of employment from 1900-1919. Records from the Utah Copper Company are handwritten and contain the following employee information: name, date employed, address, dependents, age, weight, height, eyes, hair, gender, nationality, engaged by, last employer, education, occupation, department, pay rate, date leaving employment, and reason for leaving.
Peoples of Utah
Peoples of Utah
The Peoples of Utah collection contains images that show some of Utah's great diversity. Helen Papanikolas collected and donated these photographs.