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Show Messa.8e #25 Canon H. B. Liebler, D.D. Brother J uniper, OSF August, 1978 Helen H. Sturges Joan E. Eskell HA T ROCK VALLEI' RETHEAT CENTER P.O. Box 5, !v]onument Valley, Utah 84536 Tel. 801-727-3291 f1essages 1 - 24 available on request Remember us? We're the ones who used to send a ~lliS SAGE twice a year at least to you who were interested in getting it. Well, it's not quite a year since #24 went out, so we make no further apology except to say that we have not forgotten you, but have been very much occupied in our various duties. Perhaps it would be well to start by expressing our tbanks, not only to the many who have continued to send us financial help during our "silence" ( i'1essage-wise!) -what could we do without them! -- but specifically to certain people and organizations to whom we qve a debt of gratutude which time and space have made it difficult to express publically before now. A heartfelt thank-you for one of the wonderful electric contour chairs made by Ortho-Kinetics of Waukesha, WI, which has given Father so many hours of real comfort during the past months; to Dr Bob Liebler, who recently brought us a microwave oven, which reduces to minutes the hours of cooking formerly necessary. This is an especial joy in the heat of the summer to Joan and Brother, who take turns wearing the chef's hat! Also belated but devout thanks to Woody and Sandra Reiff, who obtained for us and installed a marvellous swamp-cooler to relieve the intense heat of the mid-summer days; nor can we fail to remember with deepest gratitude the gifts of "Chick" Black, who has supplied us with goodies in the way of food for congregational after-I'lass "feeds", and recently brought in a hamdsome, antique pump organ; also our good friend Jackson David of Durango, who has supplied our thirsty congregation with pop on several occasions; and our friends Louis and Al Bonan of Vita-Kist Bakery in Cortez, who provide us with delicious cakes for special celebrations; and Mrs Bitsy Rubsamen of San Antonio, who sends several hundred cases of juicy Texas gDapefruit to be distributed among the several missions. "So good to eat when we're out with the sheep", as one young sheepherder fervently remarked. To these, and all our good friends lihose loving, generous gifts make it possible for us to live in the desert and minister to the best of our ability to the needs of the Navajo People - our most heartfelt thanks. And be sure you are continually remembered in our prayers, as we trust we are in yours . Praise God. ps a priest of the Episcopal Church I (Fr H.B.L.) am under obligation - due to the oath required at ordination - to "banish and drive away" from the Church "all erroneus and strange doctrines contrary to God's Word"; and that I am trying to do with what feeble power I have. The Nurder of unborn babies is just murder, and forbidden by God's word. Homosexual action is sin - forgivable on sincere repentance and confession, just as fornication and adultery are, but NOT something to be coddled and gushed over. The priesthood and the episcopate are male functions. Our isolated position here makes i t easier to live as if Minneapolis had never happened -- but how long that can go on is a moot question. We wish we could share the optimism of those who look to Denver in '79 to repeal the horrors that have been so strategically imposed upon us. We envy their confidence. As a Bible-loving Christian, I must stick in a bit of exegesis at this point: I read in many places that Jesus will save His Church, because He promised that "the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Maybe the writers were not in the army, but let me tell them that gates are not weapons! They may be defences . The promise to His Church was' that when it invaded |