Title | Marsha Ballif Midgley, scene from "Saint Joan" A Chronicle Play in Six Scenes and an Epilogue by George Bernard Shaw performed at Kingsbury Hall, University of Utah, March 3-7, 1953 [02] |
Photo Number | P0005n03_19_024 |
Description | Color slide photograph of Marsha Ballif Midgley, in a scene from "Saint Joan," performed at Kingsbury Hall, University of Utah. March 3-7, 1953. |
Date | 1953-03-03; 1953-03-04; 1953-03-05; 1953-03-06; 1953-03-07 |
Textual Date | March 3-7, 1953 |
Keywords | Theatrical productions; Plays (performed works); Theater spaces; Stages; Theatrical sets; Theater costumes; Performing artists; Entertainers; Actresses; Joan of Arc; People in religion |
Subject | Theaters--Stage-setting and scenery--Photographs; Theater--Utah--Salt Lake City--Photographs; Drama--Photographs; University of Utah. Department of Theatre--Photographs |
Spatial Coverage | Salt Lake City (Utah); Salt Lake County (Utah) |
Additional Information | Director: C. Lowell Lees; Scenography: Vern Adix; Costume Design: Winnifred Bowers; Lighting: Carl White; Property Manager: George Hejna; Stage Manager: Ralph Markets; Cast: Preston Linford (Robert de Baudricourt), Glen S. Nielsen (his steward), Marsha Ballif Midgley (Joan), Keith Engar (Bertrand de Poulengey), Boyd V. Sheets (Archbishop Of Rheims), Rex Campbell (Duke de la Tremouille), Joseph Crane (Page), Lowell Manfull (Giles de Rais), Spencer Blake (Captain la Hire), Ursel Allred (Dauphine), Gloria Peterson (Duchess de la Tremouille), Andre Anastasion (Dunois), Richard Christensen (Page to Dunois), Harry Nelson (Earl of Warwick), Reginald C. Chapman (John de Stogumber), Frederick Nickson (Peter Cauchon), Richard McKone (Page to Warwick), Harold Folland (Inquisitor), Boyd Sheets (Canon D'Estivet), Robert Taylor (Brother Martin Ladvenu), Preston Linford (Executioner), Richard J. Cummings (Courcelles), Spencer Blake (Soldier), Lowell Manfull (Gentleman), Rex Cambell, Richard Christensen, Lowell Manfull, Glen Nielsen (Assessors), Sondra Lees, Joan Isbell, Sheri Roberts (Ladies of the Court), Richard Aamodt, Joseph Crane, Flint Dixon (British Soldiers) |
Collection Number and Name | P0005 C. Lowell Lees Photograph Collection |
Collection Name | C. Lowell Lees |
Rights | |
Type | Image/StillImage |
Finding Aid | https://archiveswest.orbiscascade.org/ark:/80444/xv05389 |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6xjej9g |
Setname | uum_map |
ID | 2177944 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6xjej9g |