Improving flare design a transition from art-form to engineering science

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Title Improving flare design a transition from art-form to engineering science
Creator Shore, David
Publication type report
Publisher American Flame Research Committee (AFRC)
Program American Flame Research Committee (AFRC)
Date 2007
Description Many of the day-to-day activities surrounding Flaring, at both the project design and operational stages, are vague and apparently outside the control of the Flare Engineer. Design specifications usually only cover a single case out of a multitude of possible compositions and flows. In service, flow rates, compositions, wind and weather are largely decided by happenstance and the control of utility addition is managed on the basis of visual perception. After the fact, Environmentalists try to estimate the extent of the environmental damage and combustion scientists develop theories and models which may help to predict the extent of this impact. The only point where there exists an opportunity to affect the final outcome is before the cycle even starts, when the main design concepts of the flare tip are developed. However, despite the best efforts of combustion scientists and the best intentions of some manufacturers, the majority of flare designers Worldwide still practice a design method which, in the view of the author, which owes as much to experience and "black art" as it does to scientific knowledge. For the flare designer to achieve a fractional percentage gain in efficiency, or to reduce the chances of generating hazardous pollutants, there is a need for a generalized development, and wider dissemination of parameters which are in control of those issues. This involves a serious effort by the Industry, together with the assistance of academia and the use of advanced technical skills. However, along with this effort comes the responsibility to examine the state of the current baseline. In short, the industry has to move out of the arts into the sciences. This paper uses the three most common process related aspects of Flare engineering, (flame size/shape, minimum tolerable flammability and maximum discharge velocity) to highlight the common use of "rules of thumb", which may represent flawed parametric input and suggests alternative and more scientific approaches which may be beneficial in improving an the global performance of flares, presenting each in a manner which may be recognizable and useful to most engineers.
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
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ARK ark:/87278/s6x97dd0
Relation has part Shore, D. (2007). Improving flare design a transition from art-form to engineering science.American Flame Research Committee (AFRC).
Format medium application/pdf
Rights Management (c)American Flame Research Committee (AFRC)
Setname uu_afrc
ID 1525721
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