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Show of grievances againet hin ought to be enough to require his dismissal anyway. I ke#t on insisting that Dr. Ksu ought to be given a least a ahance t<: *dJnit his guilt, and after five hours of discussion9 while <*ne member isads a motion to dismiss Dr. Keu then and there, I got down the Q? de book and began to work on a telegram to you. fhey finally S»v© in and Voted to stend a telegram. What I sent y u read, "Ask whether or not Dr. I. Xa ;.;su Stew before publication of notice, in cwn name and of church ma E. L. Bobinson, in Tainanff newspapers, to thank ccmand^ @r 17th police district? and whether or not Dr. l:su took responsibility for publication. It Is ef the utmost Importance. Situation is very-serious. Kust have o definite reply from htm immediately. H. L. Robinson." The rext crminr another eesjadttee meeting was celled. lib reply had eoao from y u and I could see little feense in a prolonged discutctiwn, Mid hoped to see the Meetly adjourned to wait for a reply, but they kept ri.?*vt r.lrru; on the saae line as tb* day before. -.J.1 the p-ssibiliticc ©f'different alternatives were discussed, and it was mane ouite cle&r to me whnt s useless proposal it would be to !we i^% ^eu accuse a aan like the erananAer fV| forgery. There would be xittle £St ef 3Sr« Ttro. Its Aeeiiei to vte to pnbitsh a denial of uhe cauren's connection with the notice, for publication in the Teinanf^ papers and to circulate locally, but when we aatually o&ma to vote on the wording the fact that Dr. S w tcflO* not be induced among those disavowing the advertisement, while on the other hand falling to include tns^nsac of the -irrt party in thr eignsture in a disavowal would thr-w &L1 the bluio or the first psrty instead of on the ooaaaader, whciu I still insisted was the firmer, we could not «©AO V u satlsfaet ry agrccaent and adjourned after fo*cr It-rs, to wait for a reply t- tr* teaeTsa. FinsJD^ the r^-ly arrived. It read, "Ccwttsnder prepared notice put into- nowsparer . I.t. hsu saw, took responsibility. tJmt Is the trouble? Please tend an answer as soon as possible. «.*?• cross. When I saw that 2 felt the gaz&e was up. ?he neztw-rning. ^f r ° ^ * ^ had our third neetin*, and passed all sorts c* ^^oasi- ^\d i e rt I Hsu from his srcitlon as superintendent, on which 1 *ailea to yoie,^ ^ was the first*one. The next action was one W iilss Brscfc, ./• the effect, that we should wait for further news-, either by mouth -;r by let tor, froa Ir. ^au. before noting further. She and I voted f r i4>, tw- , and there wore three v..tea againet, tw- n-t wo-ting. ^lcteeere **«* taken and there were two for delay, Mies Br©ok and ±, »»* *!* **•• ^* others for issaedi&te procedure. Dean fcickee was absent from this and latir aectinw-e because of hie trip Into the country. %e then voted to to AischeW'sr. Hsu from the hospital entirely, I •ojkjf ««jinat. iiss Brack abstaining, later we voted to send a circular letter to all in-portant bodies In trwn noticing then that Dr. Hsu was relieved of his x^aitiW. and that I should be the new eating tupertetendent. these I abetamed. It was then unanimously voted to entrust to m •aaroh ftj* aivth*r Chinese pysiei.-m, ana t* *«« a telaer** t . mue , a to reipoaee tc y-xr r*«u**t. It r9,3., ";i*li« disapprove, ef l**wT **«r«h beoauS. rf ncttoa. Stop. Votad today j u » » r U y to air-siss B*. I.5.S.*y ****a** -t torroper use <cf) ahurch aigEatura without.^«?™8^}^» _,_ Executive Ccwwltl**". I ttto» * ought to mention t h j t to* *»«»*«»/*• ofUBTolea* that the m i » It*. U Jul * J " 1 S § / J i l . ^ 2 e * * l r e I ^ L . +» I t o tha ec*»M*aar, was very W h Ciepleeeed at the et.ureh becsuee ^f the advertisement praising the ecteHMfor. aad baomaa ^ c churoh wanted to get Mr. Li out, so much the ©ore would ho have t stay in. Yesterday noon came your telegram, saying, °^mml secretary sent error in our telegram Dee. 5, 1330. i,top. Anron sx^atoro not in |