Addition to building for Nephi processing plant, Nephi, Utah: basement plan [preliminary drawing]

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Title Addition to building for Nephi processing plant, Nephi, Utah: basement plan [preliminary drawing]
Creator Young, George Cannon, 1898-1981
Publisher Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Date 1953
Date Digital 2015-05-04
Spatial Coverage Nephi, Juab County, Utah, United States
Subject Architecture--Utah--Nephi--Designs and Plans; Food processing plants--Design and construction; Young, George Cannon, 1898-1981--Archives
Description Preliminary drawing from a set of architectural plans and diagrams for an addition to the Nephi Processing Corporation's turkey processing plant in Nephi, Utah. Drawn by Salt Lake architect George Cannon Young in 1951 or 1952. Shows the basement floor plan
Type Image/StillImage
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Scanning Technician Niko Amaya
Conversion Specifications Original scanned with Colortrac SmartLF GXT42 and saved as 400 ppi 24bit RGB uncompressed TIF. Display image created in CONTENTdm as JPEG2000 at 20:1 compression
ARK ark:/87278/s6wd5sj9
Setname uum_gcya
ID 865815
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