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Show ," / - 4 - The concept of the -bull noee- configuration .hown i. e •• ential to en.ure that low upper flue g .. velocities are .. intained and that good ~ng of combustion ga.e. vith overfire air in the lover portion of the furnace challber a. vell a. to illiprove ga. di.tribution into the boiler. In addition, the .hape of the -bull n~e.- addre •• ed factor. aueb a. the directional flow of the flue ga. in the furnace and provided an excellent zone where overfire or .econdary air could be .trategically located. The final -bull no.e- cODfi9\U'atioDa and overfir. air jet location vere primarily ba.ed on the air flow .odellin9 previoualy di.cussed. In order to bring the test incinerator (unJ.t 4) up to the -.tate-ofthe- art - in autoM tic controls, the exi.ting .y.te. va. replaced by a computer control .ystea which di.play. and control. all proc... a.pect •• The new control .yste. included .ome of the following functions: 1 • Grate speed control &yste •• 2. Stealll flow control. 3. Automatic air flow control of the pri_ry air di.tribution 8Y.tea. 4. Secondary air supply control .y.te •• All the . upgrading vas completed by March 1986 and co.m. •• ioniDg trial. began in early April 1986. COMBUSTION TEST PRJGIWI An exten.ive combuatioD test program vu e.tabli.hed to evaluate the perfor.ance and effectivene.. of the new turn&ce de.ign. ~e objective of thi. prOCJTaa va. to develop correlatiou between .arl0U8 operating para.ter. and em1.siona over a vide range of operatinCJ cOD41tiona. 'l'Wo level. of te.ting vere invol v.d in the cOlllbuation teet program: characterization and perfor-.nce. '!'be characterization teat. aerved a. a ba.i. for developing aD under.tanding of the incinerator cperat1Dg range, debugging of all .y.te .. , facility logi.tic. and field crew fa~liari&atiOD. To thoroughly •••• e •• operating conditiona, ite •• uch a. refuse feed rate, .tea. rate, exce •• air level., di.tribut.ion of ov.rfire and undergrate air, and temperature profile. vere recorded for each te.t. Both ~ and good operating practice. were included under low, no~ and kigh .tea. loads. In all, 22 characterization te.t. under 18 41fferent operating condition. vere conducted. upon a thorough ...... ~nt of the characterization test re.ult., five perfor.ance te.t conditione vere .elected, ... hown in figure: 4. The.e latter te.t. involved extenaive .. ..,ling and anal)'1li., process · and data evaluation. |