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Show Sex be Yes eR A ED RcLart Journa| 1965 Mal oe eek i elt aA vinials aronnd, Conne 2 pews: ns Ba mia 5 _(N. eM alo a aE Ch ae S34 ehh getty ‘Slengd _mt,) ab Bre dian TS Seta s een oe Pe ee a mn high ta: BY elineli plier ciinittacet e snhsayamisins weit pleSb ticneilict adign de ~——-— ae Bukehats hol calDil aed ees ett elma isis US oe 5 +o. On Ale — Ee a Ed soon ah ee OR wy ae a os Cu i SL: t) PaaS MAN = squucerls _P ONS ES a cea ata ts @ KK: Syuipey mb. pea is BS a SN aes OW. VA- 4x. _S_ (Wat) Slope of, Owy Le M45, ica: high, conhy —alwr_ teed Pe tae apes ie A, Peers : Pray. Lp ax. Wa ta C5 eR hvach BN ak Rt eit Dehn fe aN ona i BOD CE 7 Pees Te 2 PSG Ayre As N Tine OTTO mass GO tity ce a GL a oes ys be S15 0 Pipi OL te ese © de ti as Oe 2 ete LA os E_ rc mete +f) a , Ne tO _ nee ae 1 oe sy UN phrases gad SF tirreaty eee gente sarou. fontts—t a sense Yn Prin. 2Up dd» We ge Bee Be Age ge go Aicaal te OC, Ft. The (Canus® penne oo : i BR é el Bie tek Sud a Sai nue RY : ia mettre a 8 tae CN.ee MS 9 ON. o—Hy Po Ais byte? dh ide ae hear: cs he SauircA_ Se Rah te ts a tae|, by et a SP) a _~Yooo. SGN mm - _N _tev__tare a age: Loge. ee Péen.... af Masha Sudadies toh). i dia aN? Belkin, MA 2. _AN ¢. Camiar, ©® oat of of highwng (Max heed: wp oe abut 3000 f+. but noe —higha- — Wa dacs ae Nas shu Mehl, =. rocky + abasesahy roi. Lcassiendicmcldecacuieketneiedeteanteeendaaie cameo Shikio ale a Poa ae | |