Goodrich House

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Title Goodrich House
Identifier 1630T.tif
Creator Thorne, L.C.
Subject Building--Goodrich
Description This could possibly be the George Albert Goodrich house. He settled in Mill Ward where he built a rock house which was later referred to as the Mill House.
Publisher Uintah County Library Regional History Center
Date 1960-07
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Format Creation Original scanned on CreoScitex Jazz flatbed scanner and saved as uncompressed tiff. Display images generated in CONTENTdm as JPEG2000 at 15:1 compression.
Source B&W nagative
Language eng
Rights Management Digital image, copyright 2008 Uintah County Library
Holding Institution Uintah County Regional History Center
Archival Resolution 3215 x 2130 pixels
Bit Depth 8-bit gray scale
Scanning Technician Li Xu
Spatial Coverage Vernal (Utah)
Source Material Black and White Photograph
ARK ark:/87278/s6tx6w09
Setname ucl_tp
ID 402633
Reference URL