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Show , AA Lintsingohow, via Ts'ingtao and ^pZ Shanghaï, Ohlaa, %m* 15,1907, Mr. Faul E.Phillips, 523 Âlasaa Bld« Seat-"le,- fi an* Dear Mr. PfelÙlpai Your lotter at handU ït is full of good obeer and. promises auoh for mauy orf tha siok *»d fuflièlBg oî the great Ha 14 hère in Sfeaa* tang ooiaiattted to our oare. . The past two aoatha has bées aHmaatiaaM *» U that tara siapiy dénotas a change of occupa Lion - due to a ilght *> attaok of typhoid. I a a* feeliag qui ta nyaeil again. Just now Mrs. Ellis aud«4)r. Tallmon are out for a two weeas tour, y expectlog to be feaek for Oh*&aiaaa« The rta'14 they v i e i l iê to the soutn and sas t . Today the je are al a village on the uorth oauk of the feiiei Hiver» which is the haae of our iheologioal studout la the aeain&ry at Pefciug» fe spent the susoner at PAngKiaûhwang. ( You nota I a& using ths new affriolai spaiHng for thèse two s t a t i o n s , thé old wilî reaeh un,just as well hewevet.|« But la the âÊÊÊÊ aidât ai li we ratuz&ad for five w#e*a of spécial alass work with the belpers and it-udint-, ohurafe âeaberâ* As to the a&aunt needed for the aduaation ©I a Hedioal itudent» i t Am # ordinarily, (as Dr. Tucicer ha-a founcOought to ba $7S« a year aut like sa»f things io. tms ara! a thaï l&nds f a ûaai f/aiaount," f l l l aakO poss i b l e " the training of a Radical stuuent. Just Cale mimer Dr. Taliaon ëegaa the trainino. of Heiner Wen ai hère présent Médical assistent. This mm now 40 ysars of âge nort than a soors of years âge eaat into the Mission aapiay* H** aid aiaost everytning. Se was a aàt 1 carrier betttfta Honan and Tientsin, he was personal servant» he studied at :-dd tiaea* his pfÊ physioai stfength and mental auoh at»ove the averagO* He mas 1er enough of praotioal know&legge io keep the iaoauatâ is the Hospital , and iater bteami an assistant in the Hospital. thèse thl&gS were doue in Honan, whefe be had gant vlt-ft the oeissîonaries who had lived hère beftara going ta*tha» lato fehe latariôr* huriho, boxa» iag« be eaaapad ^ fion nooao, % iaO l l t e r â l l f at*lppa4 OÎ everything, save a pal» of ola shoes woroiiully nHumed to nia by trie Boxer leader afte» tha fefylng erdeal of belag plôadarad of his alig siatbes inoluded* Btft he was gl^â that his l i r a was tparad. lis t i f s a d i iby ( i mm in M^ Boys1 sahooll had iespairai of eY®r stalag bla aaain and when he ratu»n#d to his hone at Llntalng he was ar0ed oo égal® fiaa. Mi he said#« My belft| a Christian has ohangad ai r»oa baiag the violant soldier of past years, Into a honest aan, î aai":- aoyonr tô ®$k* ' l ^ r a o a n l that wbîob has produoso sitoh 2ond fruits1*! when tha Boxa» ijrapàthiaàrfi oama he inaoïiaoad thèse |