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Show F-For. 71022-12 JPK Uintah & Ouray Indian Agency, Fort Duo heene, Utah. October 16, 1913. Tho Oonmissioner Of Indian Affaire, Washington, D. C. Sir: Reoeipt ia acknowledged of Offioe letter of Oot. 11, 1913 calling my attention to the fact that I had not replied to Office lettdr of July 19, 1912, directing tne to oall a oounoil of the Indians of thiB reservation for the purpoBe of getting their consent to the cutting of tribal timber for the purpose of building a publio school house. The oounoil was called aa dirooted at Whiterooks, Utah, and the matter waa taken up with the Indiana, a fair ropreaentation being prasant. It was tho unanimous oounsel of those present, even after the benefita of the publio school building: had been explained to them, that none of their timbor should be out for the purpose. I explained to them the neooooity of pub] io apirit being rnanifoated on their«part and sought to get them to oonsent to the cutting of the fow logs neoesaary for the e root ion of the building, but they declined with a degree of pool- |