Salt Lake Trappers P.2

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Title Salt Lake Trappers P.2
File Name 39222001746085.tif
Photo Number No. 21341
Classification 796.3
Subject Baseball/Basketball/Golf--Ball Sports
Person Bagshaw, Ryan; Cowans, Eddie; Peters, Rob; Hughes, Jeff; Baldwin, Damon; Anderson, Dan; Bolt, Jim; Gegan, Fred; Iacona, Andy; Baggott, Dave; Taylor, Dave; Fukuchi, Tsuneto; Rice, Pat; Tinkey, Bob; Dunn, Rich; Vontz, Doug; Every, Lynn Van; Fong, Steve; Freitas, John; Hamasaki, Shintauro; Kolovitz, Mike; Humphrey, Mike; Huff, Matt; Gold, Mark; Sissel, Ron; Colston, Frank; Gilligan, Jim; Rodriquez, Rueben
Other Subject Sport; Salt Lake Trappers
Description 1986 Trappers. Front: Ryan Bagshaw (bat boy), Eddie Cowans, Rob Peters, Jeff Hughes, Damon Baldwin, Jim Bolt, Fred Gegan, Dan Anderson, Andy Iacona (bat boy) 2nd: Dave Baggott, Dave Taylor, Tsuneto Fukuchi, Pat Rice, Bob Tinkey, Rich Dunn, Doug Vontz, Lynn Van Every, Steve Fong (trainer) 3rd: John Freitas, (mgr), Shintauro Hamasaki, Mike Kolovitz, Mike Humphrey, Matt Huff, Mark Gold, Ron Sissel, Frank Colston, Jim Gilligan (coach), Rueben Rodriquez (coach). John Sillito- Donor
Rights Management Digital Image © 2009 Utah State Historical Society. All Rights Reserved.
Holding Institution Utah State Historical Society
Relation Classified Photograph Collection
Source Format Print Photograph
Source Size 9.5 x 7.3 inches
Source Donors Sillito, John
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Format Creation Original scanned on Epson Expression 10000 XL and saved as 400 ppi TIFF. Display image generated in CONTENTdm as JP2000 pixels on the long axis. Archival resolution: 3808 x 2916
Scanned By Satish Batchu
ARK ark:/87278/s6t72xvh
Setname dha_cp
ID 448252
Reference URL