Title | Mike G. Corbett 1971 |
Creator | Mike G. Corbett |
Description | Student field notes from zoology classes in 1971 |
Subject | Zoology Student Field Notes |
Date | 1971 |
OCR Text | Show ke & corbetf S971 | Shall Valle CBEALOG AE Ket. 3. £ ltr WwW. Traipre fe / i fee MA, Fehe fES. | Uta pr ee COLMACMPL ETC TE aie L£-£4, Ayt;. Jooe/e Co. AHA -YF-35-/d ; Saxrrmil Cs. LSAA LF ee LETS 2 ¥ leortystas Manictlatas S33 - SE-lE-/7 F oS feeomysceas 88-68SF -S7 Mawica/atus My 2¢E, Lr5. kinbad! jel. , Sammir lo. 2E Aperl tA falranrias /97/ Ccerthperves LEIS=f A IOFGE Sat Wi hdl way, Wesatch Co, Ktahn / May 1970 | F Clfellas armateas AIP -7S~-VS" I AAS -§9F-30-/7 ambewas ie. C4AVMS Ay (99, Bot. £. Johnson Fass Sammit, Tooele Co, dtah | Sf May LL & 6eo PYSCAS Manwicun (/atas Le 3 -F7LAGDAME tie 199, 2mA. Og WA y Fe. Enuteawce , Tooele Co. Krak 7 1ay L9F2 se Onychomys feuco gaster LRA-37?-19-lF | Omi Wh LAaho Falls» ZtU W. oF Hwy Zo: Clay oo ipo demys $ O1p0 Loriys “5.23% Bowwevile co. Idaho ETL OLACL ORALE woe ~/ae eee vee oeSo TAO a Far oe SVU Sh. Desert hang € 4Axp. Sta. , Beaver co. Ktah LO 2 “ISOs, (ilay Aywteozous palliHeas SATO Ff. £27 L LOS37-/R 5/16ie Mike €. Corbett ITZ Ca eee Sr. 5. WwW Deseret ange Lap: Stat , Seaver Co. Ulah., SASOFFE. eh Play /P7/ Jag Vex 29 WaklkAas leorugiment bees 36-75-/F -G Leer W. Ceseat Range fue Stat, Shllard Cy, Htak Fare FE, | se Way AGF PC 132 Lek CI 5 cas /¥So CCECMWaS is: De Sater a wae AS? LIS. Crle//as SIA ~PP-2/ -1F feacaetas SFS-S7-ZO~-CA2 Moke Kis S ROLEFE Caseee7, SU: [((0172 A XZ he oe CRIM aS Tay Co. Hlakh oo eS COmmsendee KRIS -S¥-3F3-SF Cee Seine Se ote mike &. Corbet 1427/ Journal Jou by. 7mpre Jooele co. UtahYAEOFF. Ee Shall Valley, EZz2 5,NSa AE e ION, FID 7APRIL or Sete cae —— alors 2-30 p77 ancl 2 22tcteot efor cenatiow aloe? ¥ Sap. 77. C22 2eac’ aes Sotee [Ae wegetatec Sf Ke 21ca cme Ceenekgiaaa 210k e es ee AZeagee A RIE AAT a eee alae ial | , Caecow, Zwcl cCAlleae: eS ee aS nie net fo APRILae SalKa€e weet I ds Aae Can Krant coewl LA _z21e tants Paoeepara palat lage Agee. Caacaccets et" Med aa. Peat coe 0off fat the otent 5 Gated es Mike 6, Coebe /497/ | Jou pve! | Skeet! Valle Ser7. 3. Smee ee 7weenie ; Joo ele Co Atak 4260Ft. ees COW. R. FR4, Due AT7) arere cor Ax Lape - “hy. I-80, 20WL. Bhi eal aia ie Oe > Stepai ete a i nT ag _ . rae ial a ALT aKa ke —- ee FDAyo. 7 - Me. beat . Mike | a Cneher: SAIL Jocer wa | . fwy [-€6, 224 We. £eha_hes -Sammit Co, Lfak aalick ago LHe AcygLoew<228 az cofiewe SS ee eee edaeee eees Ma therm tet es Eeeeoeae el LEE Arete eo ee | F GOy-. I7APRIL KaanGpone’ leenbe ancl (arc ce DC pePeBe. Ae KAG canal ABotHA Aad -2A caller age. JT Ss RRRRe cere Care” ae LinpecliyfamemeenEntirtin en ge sia, Lie comer, ae, ba Peseroe (jx Crapo tevin Ake Jouve / — ' LOS amt fl 4. £ceha fees - Secrsttl.Cehah © alack Coon an06g, Aanfone featerw ZotetLee ge a es ag as Cie Poe S245 ee OO. fpetcqprocer <_pecemene | CYHt6c. BA ¢ Ec. 3.) tny AYE, amt S, Kimball jer. ; Samimit Co, Atak igen nn a Sides e AG APE, = Tna Phike C. Corbe -tLop 7 Joc eval Sew WW Plidway, Wasatch Co, “lak Pare Lcctaencae COWK 4 52) Left Mee hee AeolanXeLec ncn. Loearedt. h/e a ageaitaheadei Atmatice F- oe COwr #4!) nth 2209. Bla, Pe ee 4 lh e (iC Mie) tte Zemmatue9s. (Mec. dS). Wealeetau-A MMke 6 Corbett LG 7/ Journea / Nw. (9? 71, £ Johnson bass Sammit; looele La. Atah Xalout “pm. antAeackectfou Gee ae < ae I GF "aie (CfA~% So Oe are Z r ZC SEze GZ 4 ave hecrke, Mynr KranG, ancl SL 5 aaRR Neg Zr020 4. EEcee 4/30 41. be theael P Ae pi Se Soa a™ Famedcocdaen atelyeieiecemne caera eensat ae ee MR & egeee 1G 7/ | Jvec te wal | | | Maw . hehar oft! £. DAG bs ES. Exieasice; Igoc/e Co. A tah, St MW. Laaheo Falls 4 oi W. Hwy. 45 20,41 reo co. Idapo ¥750 FF. SLEak kate 7: Jopm and221200 aw Aaah -alle at ¥ 90pm. Aer Lf Aate Palle fAreese 2 thiortAealarci or Stars AS. 25,9 / ewwHbA. Dees. Gf Cre 2 Kat tower ton fAletanorth ee eet cacti ae eee Wwirke lord ett WA ae a Jocererva | Pri Ww. Taare Falls, yi) Ww. Hoy, 45.2291, Boaneville Co. Ldah» 4750 ftp ze PEMTAAadeeficeted ageeats Awa hrc aboetseca Tom Liga Td | j ;| eceeeey = GRAWt ARE csttay| ALeg Alahe falls at Pda nm accomyeen,- LenLy ora reother, Mttzalderie. Corzberi, easegeel 7 g (ATE. AEE MUEC.#/6 ) AAmotnd, Miher 2lirmnet Abe Jaleo f petogpe prtcemer(M6 CHG 4g meet (6) a Simi S.W. Desert Range Exp. Stat.- Beaver co.dfah aE#K'FIgn. cehere An (7a sasoFe. Coyfee pike G. Corhe ¢ | “477 Joxrenag | | | : e |<s09 7: 3S.h/. Desert Lacateng_— <a } CS Lira. Stat.- Geavese ys dtah 2570 FF Be i <c-z2 +eaetigehs anXk Cen <2 <1 2 Ceo, Lek, 9 Hhe calleer hear g COMhge: Altttl (RSPCanigelCEEhn eaegeloccex, Kbhe, wteDbing Zhe ice_Che CAerrw YAcart = ttcaee £otecoz-¢1tet aeccoesok G4 AH Cate ee A <2tcek 2 a 20c€ | Cae.$Actlced 12 epecemena ee! 2 Caller 2cfle. Spceconeria (OW R 435— | ancl M1GC.C. HUwer putcpam Hheoe andnegareThEtel ofAha Cate Qt at dark ¢heads Let, Laerard Se ee Pnjiee C. Corbet uaa? oe Joc pera ( f Exp: Deseet ange som 3h. = Stat: Beaver ce. Utah S250 Ft —e Crekelonewww (PASC #/2). The tercatAer ene col S cexnoty . LECHA~ We kefCarctAeaded Lane Cam pat 7.23ff. coven EA~ gale ieee ee orang LeZA Acar <g4e 2200 AEE Kater eaecr lori Lt, Desert hange bap. Stet.; L0Maed Co. Ktah,$250$7 Jar Kents 2 ALY cage at KBap. - Aloe a Gaga sc Lae» Cen Wik wlerrud 2 campafZir Lacd for Th Ke CG. lorbe 4G 7/ a vena / fom Wl. Cescret ang < Lap Stat, Pillared Co. tla h, SAsOS+ | 22May ae ltecnec entLI eeeeT SO a Cettee~ some. ZeZee, Betcow CecepireT s Ziage are Maca Cticw Leccccrce Mec1) Cte. aloo ghoForoue Kei 2 Papcunge abcde in Lhe 26stoyth. Leapcere Aa2 € enn 6 Jerasydecte Z a Cree #/3, Mec #i). The Leaps selcerdier Lhegeonipere ce motel F KMeneiianecl(32721 al 1000 moore. LO alent 6306. we{CLLMsLiege cane 22Hen <n Lhe pairarilce aote ac. Meagaar dat25—titea < CRorpat 6-90 pA. ftily. 287, /mi 5. Oesceer, Clllarkd Co. “tah, PiMay Care Lecnke entce-ere ee Loa ae aese 44970 Gare wef: 257, [rt 5. Jeserey , PIUMaRA Co.Afar CLMGC: 16) *ePK o Se SAoGar, heck onan teWing eae <2 Hoke | Ale LAerw AheackXHyor SaXaKe ay age ee ae Ae e ye2 2 Cork be Hf 971 Cr6ellus Cowwsewdele SKal/ Valley, Yr S- Cat Ww. apie ; Too e/e Co. Afar 10 Feyerk Spoecesmen (PAG 6 FL) Coe eee Pay Mer ae MPcineca cipapaccek. gate Sees ee Cheap, AYK< Cimraceenleeu LHe ee ee Lotetoe ok ACO ee ema con ay .257,LAU S 5 oe. Act fhe ech Gece ese et, 41; land Lo, Ka A ae oe ae FE Ye ee mMke C. Co“vhett (97 / (Ge eomMysScKs Manicitlat cS. Hwy L960 Ami WE. Echo Kes, ; Sammit Co. Atak /°MEN DSpaces ATC <2 eee ATC CHS Wey (49, Avkb. Thu stry (435 S4matT, Jece/e Co, Bek ev 2 Liage tee ial ae eee peepee” foKeT : MORE Co CEL. LRT FS Meee Seah 1S xr bress a fy L-90 21 WE Echo kes di ami 1 litpri. The areloerutse accel a SanmnF Co. a Atak “Bem <<re 1g silae LHe wey pcscaty ee: ap poncti Lex mine BAEC Ccrecig loAte M0. KW, Midway,b/asatch Co. [Way Shart dystcemren AEgiAzA . AGE HE Ge hile, oottee BB? § ae A B e ig cc pe OS an h c a L , l t e e Or ellie 3 ~ Ms a ee ee Sa RZ G. whaebeiys /97/ Cr€ellas annatans Se WA _fleway,wasatch Co.idth Gg aan antfi core reara CE dadne pes ere Sp 8AM Haag ie TA f plmSied uate Leet “ en Mike fe pee GG. Corhef SG Z7/ Cetellus Aus (2%, Rr A, ° 7 May Jheoe anVa rsegatas bg a Johwser lass SammiT; Toocle Cs. Chak eetew LA Cant’ gE My fe C Conhett S77 nyc AO mys SEACOGA SCC Ouguay 76, EXTRAnce fe Co ee —Sena eyTooe Ae ZL,axbabansere aly G9 ee AED Special PICO FEE Cote DAE te a tap oo @ cegetatecl Sancl Lecote.. Re ae egy eee HLifeceee Jaen . Le CG. Cor ber, LFF ia, Lypaodtamys LACE Ket MW. Laake Fal/s, Gm M. Kuy. US.P2, 1, Bowne vi Me Go Idaho 4750 $F¢ pe Spectres AL CC FEOF pete. BIA COIS ner Cater ick ape oo 2 door- da cali?aoa. ke GCG. Corn her | 197/ ANTRIZOKXS pAaleidus O Ft. Ze Jame Sh. Cescerl kauge Sap. staf Sayer Co. Ufak AS Specesmen (2166.4 //) and cheer. chews ew Ee aloe SfictLomgand ft tiga. The tee ahAcedia tas ewe Lhe heed,frten atccenece He ctack f ccewud Sefegerxith Ack tHarat Zsruwe. Whey ovotaeatocr fi2naer . Aty apctemine corcee tT athee Sor elouT S-/0ft ant Thengaeer 2liheds, a (2009athas- [evq! Membhkas v Mtah, SASO FE. ee Stl SW. Cesert kange Sip. Stat, Beavet Co, WES. Reeser eet 2 kd AY S CUS Crim CMs SOF 2 SA gh Ht . Co nd Ma AU al St g. Li e ag ka el (Oru Ww. Kesc SRC EGS A GPLA Set Ke G. Cor bhett Sor rn Cctellas (Cae CRes 50 Ft ee S2 s ta Co ad lit Pil h a ES NG MA 1 n se he Me Ertl iio, ee, rer ane eeeate CL aante Myke &. Conbher Pee FE 2SAAS, HAOR Salis ft: ee Du 00 Desert ange Arp. SlaT-, Li lle ad Co. Utah 5252 |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6t49k17 |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1636643 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6t49k17 |