Innovative steam-assisted flare technology

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Title Innovative steam-assisted flare technology
Creator Hong, J.; Baukal, C.; Bastianen, M.; Bellovich, J.; Leary, K.
Publication type report
Publisher American Flame Research Committee (AFRC)
Program American Flame Research Committee (AFRC)
Date 2007
Description A new steam-assisted flare has been developed which reduces or eliminates some of the potential limitations of conventional steam-assisted flares. The improved performance includes significantly reduced steam requirements (>30% reduction), elimination of two of the three steam supply lines, simplified controls, longer tip life, and reduced installation and operating costs. This innovative new technology improves flare operations, while simultaneously reducing costs.
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
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ARK ark:/87278/s6sn5c2j
Relation has part Hong, J., Baukal, C., Bastianen, M., Bellovich, J., & Leary, K. (2007). Innovative steam-assisted flare technology. American Flame Research Committee (AFRC).
Format medium application/pdf
Rights Management (c)American Flame Research Committee (AFRC)
Setname uu_afrc
ID 1525722
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