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Show obtained during the course of this effort will be used to validate flow and coal combustion aspects of the model on an iterative basis. Furthermore, such data will also contribute ;n delineating the potential shortcomings already identified in the relevant physical and numerical models. Acknowledgements This work was performed under subcontract to the Westinghouse Corporation, under Department of Energy, Morgantown Energy Technology Center, Contract No. De-AC21-86MC23167. REFERENCES 1. Mattson, A.C.J., and Stankevics, J.O.A., "Development of a Retrofit External Slagging Coal Combustor Concept", 2nd Annual Pittsburgh Coal Conference, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1985. 2 . S ta n k e vic s, J.~. A ., Ma t t son, A. C . J. and S tic k 1 e r, D. B ., "T 0 ro ida 1 Flow Pulverized Coal Fired MHD Combustor", 3rd Coal Technology European Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1983. 3. Patankar, S.V., Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Publishing Corp., Washington, D.C., 1980. 4. Turan, A., A Three-Dimensional Mathematical Model for Gas Turbine Combustors, Sheffield University, UK, 1978. 5. Swithenbank, J., Turan, A., Felton, P.G., and Spalding, D.B., "Fundamental Modelling of Mixing, Evaporation and Kinetics in Gas Turbine Combustors", AGARD CP-275, Combustor Modelling, DFVLR, Cologne, Germany, 1979. 6. Stickler, D.B., Gannon, R.E., and Kobayashi, H., "Rapid Devolatilization Modelling of Coal", Eastern States Section Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Johns Hopkins APL, Maryland, 1974. 7. Field, M.A., "Measurement of the Effect of Coal Rank on Combustion Rates of Pulverized COal", Combustion and Flame, Vol. 14, p. 237, 1970. 8. Kobayashi, H., Howard J.B., and Sarofim, A.F., 18th Intl. Symposium on Combustion, p. 411, The Combustion Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1977. 17 |