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Show Uinta council, 78. need water. There is more than enough water in these streams to irrigate all the lands, and for all other purposes, but they ask their friends in Washington to make provision to secure thea enough water ao that the White settlers, through waste-cor avarice, will not in the future be able to take It away froa thea. Under official hydrographies survey,7 measurements of the voluae of water in these streams have been taken at regular periods for the last four years, and data pertaining to this work can be obtained in Washington. The;/ trust that their friends in Congress can secure to them for all time, a sufficient quantity of this water for their a^lstaaats so that they will never be deprived of it. by the White Jjfan. The Agency, the School, and the Hospital lands are not mentioned in the law} that should be provided for. It can, of course be dona without changing tha law} it can be ben withdrawn froa settlement by executive order. Those are the things which they hops thair friends ia Washington did not put in the law because they forgot to consider them. They send this friendly message to thea, hoping they will amend the law and yet secure to thea those resources which arg absolutely necessary to their existance. Now I want to say a few words to the Indians: 2_y friends, I have sat in tha council for six days and heard every word you have spoken. I think I know .whit is passing in your minds. ¥©u aaea to think that under the new condition you cannot have "freedom to move about as now, A» far as that is concerned you will probably never know the difference. y*u will have your roads; you will have your Agencj/-, just the same as now, and you can come and have your camping grounds at the Agency, and visit among yourselves as new. Your Agent will remain here with you, and you will bo protected just the same as you are now. Instead of being one big tribe of Indians, ©ne bunch, one herd, every man can stand up straight and feel that he is a freeman, a citizen of this great country,- just the same as the White Man. Those who have farms |