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Show Uinta Council, 64. to say. it is just like if a man had a horse and some one asked for that horse. He would 3ay "No." Ebenezer: What I told you yesterday was good, congress don't know, and I want you to tell these paople. It is the truth I am telling you about this. Thaae Indians want to keep this land. They tall you this. They know what you tell them. We don't want you to tell anything that is not trur. This that you are telling, how long before it is to be that way? When this happens, will the game wardens bother us? Inspector McLaughlin: No person will bother you. You will be protected by the laws of the Government. Bbenezar: We are afraid to go and See our friends off the resevation, a We are afraid on account of these cowboys. Red Cap: That is not good. That is what I say. This Agency down here, It is an the reservation. You da not know khere it is; you have not seen it. It is right there, however; nobody can pick it up and throw it aside,, no matter how big a man he is. Your talk is nQt good. I like this land. I want you to say "YSa". It will-notbe good if you don't say "Ye3." Ihspoctoir-McLaughl in: Replying to my friend Red Cap, I would say that I know that you are attdched to the land, and it is to secure the be3t part of it for each 6f you that I was sent out here by Washington. My friends, if the entire reservation was of any benefit to you, and you could make proper use of it all, you would not be disturbed in its possession. But there is more land here than you need. Congress has provided for the opening of this surplus land in tha way I have explained. Washington desires to secure for |