Title |
May 28, 1982 Manteca Bulletin Opinion Column |
Description |
Text document crop of page 4 Opinion section of the Manteca Bulletin Sound off column by Lucille Eisner topic is cold war era nuclear weapons regulations |
Subject |
Cold War, Nuclear Weapons Regulation, Mabel Lucille Olsen Eisner, Mildred J. Berryman, Research Material |
Creator |
Mable Lucille Olsen Eisner |
Date |
1982-05-28 |
Spatial Coverage |
Manteca, California, United States https://www.geonames.org/5370164/manteca.html |
Format |
application/pdf |
Rights |
Rights Holder |
Mable Lucille Olsen Eisner, The Manteca Bulletin |
Holding Institution |
Utah Historical Society |
Type |
Text |
Genre |
newspaper clippings; newsletters |
Extent |
1 page |
Language |
eng |
Relation |
Olsen, Lucile |
ark:/87278/s6qjm6fg |
Metadata Cataloger |
Megan Garcia |
Setname |
dha_cdlgbtuh |
ID |
2589337 |
Reference URL |
https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6qjm6fg |