Erechtheion (Erechtheum), elevation of the west façade

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Title Erechtheion (Erechtheum), elevation of the west façade
Building Erechtheion (Erechtheum)
Site Acropolis
Location City/State Athens
Location Country Greece
Style Period Ancient Greece: Classical; Antiquity
Patron Perikles
Description exterior; building housed the sacred wooden statue of Athena Polias
Subject Architecture; Ruins
Subject AAT Minerva
Creation Date 421 - 414; 409 - 406 BCE
Form architecture / ruins
Medium marble
Source Slide Library 130 -Antiquity Sites; Creative Commons
Work ID 2846
Rights Digital Image Copyright University of Utah
ARK ark:/87278/s6qc3f44
Setname uu_aah_art
ID 34288
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