Lost Borderline

Update Item Information
Publication Type thesis
Graduate/Undergraduate Program Undergraduate
Program Entertainment Arts and Engineering (EAE) Program
Date 2018
Studio/Team Name PigeonCube Studios
Team Black, Michael; Choate, Emilee; Marchand, Josh; Miranda, Julian; Zachery, Caughey; Bergonia, Miguel; Brotzman, Cameron; Eggett, Matt; Joo, Alisa; Rabdau, Evan; Ross, Elizabeth; Alger, Jon; DuBois, Spenser; Fairbanks, Dylan; McCorristin, Alex; Robers, Andrew; Wunderlich, Justina
Official Website https://pigeoncube.itch.io/; https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Games-Toys/PigeonCube-Studios-512514412467858/
Title Lost Borderline
Description Lost Borderline is a pixel-perfect hack & slash puzzle-crawler where the boundaries of reality are broken, giving you creative control over the sides of the screen. Play as a skilled Huntress as she shoots, slashes, and dashes her way through an underground cavern with a mysterious secret… the rules of reality don't apply here. Armed with the ability to warp spacetime with the click of a button, harness the power of the borderlines to tactically wipe out enemies and solve maze-like puzzles. Explore the cursed crystal catacombs of a lost civilization and discover the hidden secrets of the Lost Borderline… Team: Artists Miguel Bergonia, Cameron Brotzman, Matt Eggett, Alisa Joo, Evan Rabdau, Elizabeth Ross, Engineers Jon Alger, Spenser DuBois, Dylan Fairbanks, Alex McCorristin, Andrew Robers, Justina Wunderlich, Producers Michael Black, Emilee Choate, Josh Marchand, Julian Miranda, Caughey Zachery
Download link https://pigeoncube.itch.io/lost-borderline; https://store.steampowered.com/app/837280/Lost_Borderline/
Trailer https://youtu.be/wz3v7E2TJqc; https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/256714357/movie480.webm?t=1524177816; https://youtu.be/U_xLMV2ZA4Y
Platform PC; Windows
Developer PigeonCube Studios
Distributor PigeonCube Studios; Steam
Release Date 05/03/2018
Publisher PigeonCube Studios
System Requirements MINIMUM: OS: Windows 8, 10 Processor: Intel(R) Core i5-4200M or equivalent Memory: 3 GB RAM Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 745M or equivalent DirectX: Version 10 Storage: 60 MB available space
Playthroughs, Let's Plays, & Reviews https://youtu.be/A3QrWuta42w; https://youtu.be/TdXtO7leHZc; https://youtu.be/wnqEPIPikGY
Genre Action; Adventure; Free to Play
Relation https://www.pcgamebenchmark.com/pigeoncube-studios-pc-games; http://joshmarchand.com/gur/lost-borderline/; https://steamdb.info/app/837280/
Rights Management (c) PigeonCube Studios
Subject Video game synopsis
Language eng
ARK ark:/87278/s6p901ww
Setname ir_eae
ID 1588269
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6p901ww