American Fork Plant, Utah County, Utah: pipeline reconstruction

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Title American Fork Plant, Utah County, Utah: pipeline reconstruction
Photo Number P0206add2n34_020
Description Scan of photo from book of pipe reconstruction at Lower American Fork Addition
Date 1930-07-15
Textual Date July 15, 1930
Keywords Rocky Mountain Power; Utah Power and Light; Power Company
Subject Hydroelectric power plants--Utah--Utah County--Photographs
Spatial Coverage American Fork Canyon (Utah); Utah County (Utah); Uinta National Forest (Utah)
Latitude 37.864583
Longitude -107.881692
Additional Information Photo from a leaf previously bound in a scrapbook with title: Ut. P & L Co., photographs of additions since organization
Collection Number and Name P0206 Rocky Mountain Power Company Photograph Collection
Collection Name Rocky Mountain Power Company
Type Image
Finding Aid
Digitization Specifications Digital image produced on Epson Expression 10000 XL scanner, RGB, at 400 ppi. Archival file is uncompressed TIF.
ARK ark:/87278/s6p87ng8
Setname uum_map
ID 994364
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