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Show I 95 Dormers. CQMP4RIS03 CSP STBBAi. PLOW WITH lBBIiSATIOU BE-iUIHE-XftsaaS;- The United States, in budialf of tho Ute Indians, claims prior rights in the flew of the Duchesne, Lake Pork, Umtah and •>hiterock3 BivBrs, for sufficient ^vater to irrigate approximately 80,200 acres of Indian lancis. It has filedhon a combined flow of 1105.5 second feet of the waters of the above streams for that purpose, and claims in addition a total cf 105 second feet of so called "old How51 on account oi: land under cultivation provioua to the opening of the Kesfitrvation. This- makes a total cf 1210 second fset for ishich the United States olaima a prior right. Hydro graphs Bos. 10, 11, 12 and 13 aeeo_np«hying this report show the average discharge*? of the f-uohecno. Lai® Poik, Uintah and V/M te rook a Biver s for nine y*ars* The graphs also include a line shawing the aaouat of water claimed or filed on by the United Statee; a . demard line for the macciEram acreage to be brought under cultivation, based on a maximum duty of seventy acres to ong oecond foot, and a demard line for the maid-mum aoreage based on the crop requirements, or duty as determined by the Water Commissioner. The follOTdng table sho^-s the acre feet o f ovater delivered to *he land3 under the various canals during |