Captain Robert Alan Rex in Daily Universe article A missing soldier: a family's tragedy

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Title Captain Robert Alan Rex in Daily Universe article A missing soldier: a family's tragedy
Creator The Daily Universe
Source Donors Rex; Douglas; Rex, Earlene
Date 1986-09-23
Description Color image of Daily Universe article A missing soldier: a family's tragedy dated September 23, 1986; about the family's work around Robert's missing status and how they dealt with the tragedy.
Collection Peoples of Utah Revisited (POUR)
Identifier POUR23_0072_018.pdf
Contributing Institution Bringing War Home Project
Publisher Utah Historical Society
Subject Vietnam War, 1961-1975; Missing in action; United States. Air Force; Pilot; Brigham Young University. Press; Provo (Utah)
Genre newspaper clippings
Spatial Coverage Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah County, Utah, United States
Rights Management Utah Historical Society
Language eng
Type Image; Text
Format application/pdf
Scanned By Michelle Gollehon
Metadata Cataloger Amy Green Larsen
ARK ark:/87278/s6n2rrca
Setname dha_pour
ID 2399342
Reference URL