Small Surprises Along the Journey

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Identifier walsh_2007_s3_c3
Title Small Surprises Along the Journey
Creator Janet Rucker, MD
Affiliation Chicago, IL
Subject Ovarian Neoplasms; Carcinoma; Pathologic Nystagmus; Autoimmune Diseases of the Nervous System; Paraneoplastic Cerebellar Degeneration
History 29-year old female with a 2-year history oscillopsia. Previous history significant for Dx ovarian cancer three years before Tx surgery and chemotherapy.
Pathology Primary ovarian undifferentiated small cell carcinoma
Disease/Diagnosis Paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration with anti-Hu antibodies in the CSF secondary to recurrent small cell ovarian cancer
Clinical VA: 20/40 OD, 20/30 OS; Normal color vision
Presenting Symptom Visual distortions; Gait disturbances
Neuroimaging MRI
Treatment Antineoplastic agents; IVIG
Date 2007-02
References 1. Eichhorn JH, Young RH, Scully RE. Primary ovarian small cell carcinoma of pulmonary type: a clinicopathologic, immunohistologic, and flow cytometric analysis of 11 cases. Am J Surg Pathol 16, 926-938, 1992. 2. Pittock SJ, Kryzer TJ, Lennon VA. Paraneoplastic antibodies coexist and predict cancer, not neurological syndrome. Ann Neurol 56, 715-719, 2004.
Language eng
Format application/pdf
Type Text
Source 39th Annual Frank Walsh Society Meeting
Relation is Part of NANOS Annual Meeting Frank B. Walsh Sessions; 2007
Collection Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library: Walsh Session Annual Meeting Archives:
Publisher North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Holding Institution Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Rights Management Copyright 2008. For further information regarding the rights to this collection, please visit:
ARK ark:/87278/s6ms3wj3
Setname ehsl_novel_fbw
ID 178317
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