The riemann zeta-function

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Title The riemann zeta-function
Publication Type thesis
School or College College of Science
Department Mathematics
Author Stewart, Robert Leroy
Date 1968
Description This thesis is concerned with the development of certain aspects of the theory of the Riemann Zeta-Function, '(8). In particular, Riemann's hypothesis that all of the complex zeros of ,(s) occur on the critical line is examined. An intuitive argument in support of Riemann's hypothesis is presented, followed by a description of one method currently being used to search for a counter-example.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Dissertation Name Master of Science
Language eng
Rights Management (c) Robert Leroy Stewart
Format application/pdf
Format Medium application/pdf
ARK ark:/87278/s6m8q52q
Setname ir_etd
ID 2376331
Reference URL