The Sheep Industry at Watson, Utah.

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Title The Sheep Industry at Watson, Utah.
Identifier 7444a
Subject Industry--Agriculture--Animal--Sheep--Sheep Shearing--Wool Sacks--Watson, Utah
Description Hundreds of sheep graze their way to Watson, Utah. There they will be sheared and their wool sold for profit. In the southern part of Uintah County near the town of Watson was corrals used in the spring for the shearing of the many sheep that grazed the lands around that area. There was also a Sheep Shearing Plant at Bonanza, Utah. The wool was shipped by truck to Watson from Bonanza. Twenty sacks of wool weighing 250 to 300 pounds each constitute a truck load and the value ranged from $1500 to $1800. In the neighborhood of 125,000 fleeces are annually shipped from Uintah County with the average weight of fleeces running between eight and nine pounds. VE 1927-04-29
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Rights Management Digital image, copyright 2014, Uintah County Library
Bit Depth 8 bit
Archival Resolution 3114 x 2116 pixels
Scanning Technician Ellen S. Kiever
Scanning Device Epson Perfection 4990 Photo Scanner
Spatial Coverage Uintah County (Utah)
ARK ark:/87278/s6m07kn9
Setname ucl_rhc
ID 399206
Reference URL