Title | AFRC 2009 international flare consortium update |
Creator | Seebold, James G. |
Publication type | presentation |
Publisher | American Flame Research Committee (AFRC) |
Program | American Flame Research Committee (AFRC) |
Date | 2009 |
Type | Text |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
OCR Text | Show James G. Seebold Jim Seebold comes to us with au uublemished .·ecOl·d of achievement. His colleagues m'e ce."tain that he hasn't done a thing in ove.· th.-ee decades. DuI"ing his yem's at Chev.·on and its legacy companies, seveml chah-men thought he had ah-eady .-eth-ed. Seebold's claim of BS, l\'I S and PhD deg.-ees in l\'I echanical EngineeI"ing fl"Om The Leland StanfOl'd JuniOl' Unive.·sity .·emains unsuppOl"ted by the administmtion. A fo.·me.· inmate of the aerospace industry, Jinl's advanced systems division invented the nuclem' mole, the unde.·wate.· mmjet and an OI'bital bombe.· that couldn't hit 'lD)1hing. Reseal"Ching zel"O-gmvity fluid mechanics, he sem'ched fOl' dow" in the absence of that. Listed in " Tho's " Tho in Enginee.·ing because of his cont.·ibutions to pessimistic analysis, Seebold defined the pessimum and was the first to calculate the maximum energy trajectory. AFRC 2008 old 40 CFR 60.18 General Requirements for Flares AFRC 2008 old 40 CFR 60.18 General Requirements for Flares 40 CFR 60.18 General Requirements for Flares Velocity Limit (fps) 1500 What about hydrogen or sonic flares?! 1000 500 0 0 500 1000 Flare Gas Heating Value (Btu/scf) 1500 The Problem in a Nutshell Operating parameter efficiency envelopes have not been developed to account for wind flare gas chemical composition stm/hc stm/hc--ratio for smoke suppression Critical knowledge gaps are obstacles to measurable-operatingmeasurableoperating-parameterparameter-based flaring Best Practices to ensure high efficiency operation. The Problem in a Nutshell Operating parameter efficiency envelopes have not been developed to account for wind flare gas chemical composition stm/hc stm/hc--ratio for smoke suppression big deal Critical knowledge gaps are obstacles to measurable-operatingmeasurableoperating-parameterparameter-based flaring Best Practices to ensure high efficiency operation. The Problem in a Nutshell Operating parameter efficiency envelopes have not been developed to account for wind flare gas chemical composition stm/hc stm/hc--ratio for smoke suppression not so much Critical knowledge gaps are obstacles to measurable-operatingmeasurableoperating-parameterparameter-based flaring Best Practices to ensure high efficiency operation. The Problem in a Nutshell Operating parameter efficiency envelopes have not been developed to account for wind flare gas chemical composition stm/hc stm/hc--ratio for smoke suppression another big deal Critical knowledge gaps are obstacles to measurable-operatingmeasurableoperating-parameterparameter-based flaring Best Practices to ensure high efficiency operation. Deliverables: Comprehensive and unambiguous quantification of the speciated emissions concentrations from elevated flares as a function of … flare gas composition flare/wind momentum flux ratio steam rate Comprehensive and unambiguous quantification of flare/wind low momentum flux ratio inefficiencies Downstream "best practice" no flaring purge and pilot only operation Upstream field flare operation Comprehensive and unambiguous quantification of over-steaming inefficiencies Downstream operations Identification of measurable operating parameter based "Best Practices" to ensure high efficiency operation of upstream and downstream elevated flares Principal Investigators John Pohl Peter Gogolek Bob Schwartz Jim Seebold Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University John Zink Company LLC Natural Resources Canada CANMET Energy Technology Centre Chevron(Ret) Effect of Wind ... ? Buoyant-- WakeBuoyant Wake-Mixing Transition Effect of Wind ... ? ... . •• $ J' #.... : • ~ • • • c: .! •CJ IELLI c: .2 U) :s .Q ... • •• • • • natural gas • • e • 0 • ethylene • .. propylene • • (.) ) Crosswind Effect of Wind ... ? Burn propylene pure as the drifted snow, get propylene ( ), ethylene ( ), 1-butene ( )! Effect of Wind ... ? Burn propylene pure as the drifted snow, get propylene ( ), ethylene ( ), 1-butene ( )! Effect of Steam ... ? Effect of Steam ... ? • • • • • ratLfai gas • ethylere • propylere • • • •• • ) Steam-to-Gas Mass Ratio Effect of Steam ... ? Burn propylene pure as the drifted snow, get propylene ( ), ethylene ( ), 1-butene ( )! Thoughts worth pondering ... ? Given that combustion produces many emissions of significance that are absent in the feed ... What meaning has "DRE" (Destruction & Removal Efficiency) ?! What is the point of measuring the feed composition?! Thoughts worth pondering ... ? Given that combustion produces many emissions of significance that are absent in the feed ... What meaning has "DRE" (Destruction & Removal Efficiency) ?! What is the point of measuring the feed composition?! Flare Efficiency Data Comparison CMA'83 8"D Commercial Tip Outdoor Probe Test v. IFC 3"D Model Tip Closed-Circuit Wind Tunnel Test Propylene - e- QWl·Omswind 'MW+ M@ IFC· 3 ms wind --+,-, IFC· 6 ms wind + IFC·9mswind Steam·to·Gas Mass Ratio International Flare Consortium Total British Petroleum ExxonMobil Chevron Saudi Aramco NovaChem John Zink Shell DuPont API IFC's Plan for Public Release of Data ARTICLE 10.0 PUBLIC RELEASES 10.1 The Management Committee shall coordinate all public releases during the term of this Agreement. No public releases, including news releases and advertising, relating to the Project shall be issued by COSPONSOR without the prior written approval of the Management Committee. The Management Committee shall respond to COSPONSOR within thirty (30) days of receipt of such requests. 10.2 Within five (5) years of the date of the full performance of the Agreement, should any Party to this Agreement wish to make any publication relating to the Tasks performed for the Consortium, the Party proposing to publish shall: (1) make available to all COSPONSORS of the Consortium a copy of the proposed publication, and (2) obtain CANMET's written consent prior to publication. 10.3 Any technical paper, article or publication written during the period of performance of the Project or in the future relating to the Project, shall give written credit to the Consortium. 10.4 Notwithstanding Article 10.1, COSPONSOR if required may publicly disclose their participation in the Consortium, as well as the Consortium's scope as set out in Article 2.1 herein. If we hurry maybe we can still be last! \ I e II \ I Opportunity is like a sunset ... if you wait too long it's gone! Question |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6kh5fc5 |
Relation has part | Seebold, J. G. (2009). AFRC 2009 international flare comsortium update. American Flame Research Committee (AFRC). |
Format medium | application/pdf |
Rights Management | (c) American Flame Research Committee (AFRC) |
Setname | uu_afrc |
ID | 1470900 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6kh5fc5 |