Open/Close Laparotomy Model and Laparoscopic Fundoplication Nissen Model: Nissen Ingredient List

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Identifier 013_SSLR2018_Open/Close_Laparotomy_Model_Nissen_Ingredient_List_BARTLINE.pdf
Title Open/Close Laparotomy Model and Laparoscopic Fundoplication Nissen Model: Nissen Ingredient List
Creator Peter Bartline MD; Ruth Braga MSN; William Peche MD; Daniel Vargo MD
Subject Laparotomy Model; Laparoscopic Fundoplication Nissen Mode
Description "OPEN/CLOSE LAPAROTOMY MODEL and LAPAROSCOPIC FUNDOPLICATION NISSEN MODEL 1 Model/2 Students Needed ALLOW ADEQUATE DRY TIME SUPPLIES NEEDED: MODEL: 1-Blue plastic surgical basin Variety of miscellaneous instruments to provide weight Rubber shelving grip-enough to cover base of blue basin 1-strip of Ioban Box of Glad Cling Wrap Packing peanuts Variety of gauze (or anything that can be used for packing space) Spray Adhesive 3-Sponges from prep kits cut in half horizontally (along natural separation) 1-12"x12" piece of felt 1-12"x12" piece of vinyl covering Glue Gun INSTRUMENTS: 2-Toothed Debakey forceps 2-Mosquitoes 2-Retractors 2-Kochers 1-#10 blade 1-#3 handle 1-Needle driver 1-scissor SUTURE: #1 PDS (CT/CTX) INSTRUCTIONS TO BUILD: 1. Gather supplies 2. Using glue gun, attach rubber shelving grip to base of blue basin so it does not slip 3. Place miscellaneous instruments in the base for weight. Cover and pack with gauze (about halfway up) 4. Lay piece of Press N Seal (stickier side facing up) on the inside of basin and pour packing peanuts into basin. 5. Wrap peanuts so it is about the size of a loaf of bread running down the middle of the basin. 6. Pack around ‘the loaf' with other extra gauze (or other packing material) 7. Place a layer of Press N Seal over the blue basin, gauze and packing peanut ‘loaf'. 8. Place a 12"x12" piece of vinyl covering over Press N Seal-DO NOT glue vinyl to Press N Seal. 9. Spray vinyl with adhesive spray-place prep sponges one at a time on to vinyl, gluing edges together and pressing hard 10. Spray prep sponges with adhesive spray 11. Place a 12"x 12" piece of felt over the top of sponges 12. Wrap the model with a 12"x12" piece of ioban 13. Place heavy object on top of basin overnight preferably OTHER RESOURCES: ACS/APDS curriculum-Open/Close Laparotomy -- LAPAROSCOPIC FUNDOPLICATION NISSEN MODEL 1 Model/Resident SUPPLIES NEEDED: MODEL: 1-6"X 1.75" X 0.25" Industrial Styrofoam (can be purchased in large sheets for <$4 at Home Improvement stores)* 1-6"x1.75" Piece of Felt 1-1" Penrose cut down to 5" long 1-Chest tube container, cut to 5" long 1-3.5" x 1.75" In-Foam Stabilizer Fabric (round off edges) 1-2" strip Velcro 1-Skin Stapler INSTRUMENTS/EQUIPMENT: 1-Endoscissors 2-Lap needle drivers Lap skills trainer box and monitor SUTURE: 2-0 Silk INSTRUCTIONS TO BUILD: 1. Gather supplies 2. *Cut items to specified lengths 3. Use skin stapler to tack felt to foam to create felt base 4. Center Penrose in the middle of the felt base 5. With skin stapler, reach into Penrose and place a staple through the Penrose into the felt base (see photo #3) 6. Place fabric next to staple, lay Penrose over fabric and place a staple in the Penrose at the very edge of fabric so Penrose is securely anchored to felt base (see photo #4-6) 7. Fabric should fit snugly between the Penrose and felt base with little movement 8. Place chest tube container inside Penrose (simulates ‘Bougie') 9. Put strip of Velcro on bottom of felt base 10. Affix to Velcro inside Lap Skills Trainer CAN BE USED FOR: ACS/APDS Surgical Skills Curriculum for Residents-Phase 2 Module 8: Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication *Size/length note: Measurements are not firm and can be adjusted if desired. Felt should cover the top of foam at a minimum. Foam should not be thicker than ¼". Chest tube container and Penrose should be cut to the same length or with the CT container slightly shorter. "
Relation is Part of Open/Close Laparotomy Model and Laparoscopic Fundoplication Nissen Model Recipe
Publisher Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Date Digital 2018
Date 2018
Format application/pdf
Rights Management Copyright 2018. For further information regarding the rights to this collection, please visit:
Language eng
ARK ark:/87278/s6k97m3b
Setname ehsl_sslr
ID 1399676
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