Colloid Cyst Hydrocephalus

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Identifier EEC-Colloid cyst hydrocephalus
Title Colloid Cyst Hydrocephalus
Creator Rabih Hage, MD; Valérie Biousse, MD
Affiliation (RH) Emory Eye Center, Atlanta, Georgia; (VB) Cyrus H. Stoner Professor of Ophthalmology, Professor of Ophthalmology and Neurology, Departments of Ophthalmology and Neurology, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia
Subject Colloid Cyst; Raised Intracranial Pressure; Papilledema; Obstructive Hydrocephalus; MRI Signs of Increased Intracranial Pressure
Description This is a case of colloid cyst of the third ventricle complicated by severe hydrocephalus, raised intracranial pressure and papilledema. Figure 1: Fundus photographs demonstrating bilateral optic nerve head edema Figure 2a and 2b: T1-weighted axial brain MRI without contrast: Dilation of both lateral ventricles (yellow arrows) suggesting hydrocephalus Figure 3: T1-weighted brain MRI without contrast : There is a T1 isointense lesion within the third ventricle (yellow circle) Figure 4 : T1-weighted sagittal brain MRI showing several radiologic signs of raised intracranial pressure Figure 4a: Dilation of the lateral ventricles with normal sized (or even small) fourth ventricle (yellow arrow), suggesting an obstruction at the level of the third ventricle (foramen of Monro) Figure 4b: Displacement of the cerebellar tonsils (arrow) below the foramen magnum (dashed yellow line) Figure 4c: The sella has a shallow shape (yellow arrows), and the pituitary appears flat (blue arrow) consistent with a partially empty sella.
Date 2014
Language eng
Format application/pdf
Format Creation Microsoft PowerPoint
Type Image
Collection Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library: The Emory Eye Center Collection:
Publisher North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Holding Institution Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Rights Management Copyright 2002. For further information regarding the rights to this collection, please visit:
ARK ark:/87278/s6k101t9
Setname ehsl_novel_eec
ID 177362
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