Earl Douglass correspondence: relatives, 1906-1908

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Title Earl Douglass correspondence: relatives, 1906-1908
Alternative Title 0196_013_06_PDFA
Creator Goetschius, Grover C., 1893-1973; Goetschius, Charlotte, 1858-1952; Goetschius, Frank
Contributor Douglass, Earl, 1862-1931
Date 1906; 1907; 1908; 1909
Date Digital 2017-06-23
Spatial Coverage Minnesota, United States
Subject Douglass, Earl, 1862-1931--Correspondence; Douglass, Earl, 1862-1931--Family--Correspondence
Keywords Letters
Description A set of letters to Pearl Douglass (or to Earl and Pearl) from Goetschius relatives (mother Charlotte and brothers Grover and Frank) at Alder, Montana, dated 1906 to 1908.
Type Text
Format application/pdf
Language eng
Scanning Technician Janalee Michaelis; Cedar Gonzalez; Ellen Moffat; Halima Noor
Conversion Specifications Originals created as PDFA 1-2b in Adobe Acrobat Pro X. Derivative PDF created with Tesseract.
ARK ark:/87278/s6gr0rqz
Setname uum_edp
ID 1267097
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6gr0rqz