Variety Store/Ben Franklin Store

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Title Variety Store/Ben Franklin Store
Identifier 8423
Subject Businesses--Variety Store--Searle Electric--Western Auto--J C Penny
Description The Variety Store in Vernal was owned by Onel (Barney) and Evelyn Barnett. This photo shows the north side of Vernal's Main Street with the businesses of Searle Electric, Rocky Mountain Power, Westen Auto, and JC Penny Comany which used to be the Ashley Co-op.
Date 1957
Type Image
Format image/jpeg
Language eng
Rights Management Digital Image, copyright 2014 Uintah County Library
Bit Depth 8 bit
Archival Resolution 3000 x 2222 pixels
Scanning Technician Ellen S. Kiever
Scanning Device Epson Perfection 4990 Photo Scanner
Spatial Coverage Uintah County (Utah)
Donor Schaefermeyer Decendants
ARK ark:/87278/s6g484kj
Setname ucl_rhc
ID 399803
Reference URL