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Show There are 188 Hatajoa and 41 utea enrolled at the aehool. During the f irat year of operation ( 1922) there were only 17 Mavajoa and 41 Utes. Consequently the maber of the latter hgs remained stationary while the former hare in-ereaaed by leaps and bounds. The interest that the parente take in their children la evident from the circumatencc that they sometimes drive a team a hundred miles to visit their children at the school. A full quarter day is allowed for each grade above the third for industrial instruction. I noticed that the girls were taught the care of chickens* gaata and even had a cow to milk. The boys had dairying and a smattering of block ami thing, auto mocha nice, gardening, painting, ate. The gymnasium of this aehool ia widely need, mot only by the pupils bat by the Indian people living t » I N Tieiaity aa w O l as the pupila at an adjacent public |