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Show #21, Pap:e 6 invoked, when he applied the psalmist's prophecy, "Thou art a priest forever after the order of Nelchizedek" to Jesus. Ar.:; , ,);OV;3 ,112. , ,Jesus himself, seated in glory at the right hand of the Father, King and our great High Priest. And the spiritual iconoclasts are having a field day debasing (whether they are aware of it or not) two other great concepts, or images - Manhood and Womanhood. Under the guise of legitimate appeals for equal rights, ann by means of loading words such as "patriarchal" 1-lith all sorts of pejorative associations - "male chauvinism" and the like, and with continual references to 1<lOmen' s "slavery" and 50 forth, their real goal is gradually being achieved - that of making both men and women feel guilty about their God-given natures and functions. So the great realities of Male and Female, charged with the princely glory of the image and likeness of God, are now being reduced to the dull greyness of "unisex". And they have almost succeeded in banishing from our conscious minds the greatest of all images of ,Jomanhood - the Theotokus, the God-Bearer, Hary the most blessed. among women. The mind boggles at the image of womanhood the rationalists are trying to substitute in her place. So, unless the Episcopal Church decides she is not really as cathol i c as He al ways thought she was, and merely wants to enable women to be ministers ( and indeed there are many wonderful scriptural ministries open to women as well as men), it would seem she is about to compound the general confusion by rendering unto Caesar, in the person of women's lib, that which is God's, the nature and function of '-loman, by assignin~ to women the mas culine function of symbolic slayer of the Holy Victim . Here is the complete quotation from C. s. Lewis' essay "Priestesses in the Church 7" from GOD IN THE DOCK (Eerdman), part of which I quoted earlier . "(In the Church) we are dealing with male and female not merely as facts of nature but as the live and awful (awe-ful) shadows of realities utterly beyond our control and largely beyond our direct knowledge. Or rather, vre are not dealing with them but (as we shall soon ~ if ~ meddle) they are dealing with us." (Underlining mine). And, in Jungian terms, when the great im~g es and symbols are repressed from our conscious awareness they do not go away, but we perceive them as demonic. And He 've only to look at the tremendous upsurge of witchcraft and Satanism to grasp that. Those "live and awful shadows of realities" have been meddled vrith, and they have already begun to deal vrith us. Thank you for so patiently reading all this. And I am deeply grateful to Father Liebler, Helen and Brother Juniper for allowing me to include it in our Message. If I am right in my thinking - and I have looked to my spiritual and intellectual superiors, C.S.Le~Qs and Carl G. Jung, for support in this - then I praise God for writing in His ~Qll. If I have erred, may God amend it . Love in Him ••• Joan MESSAGE NO. 21 FROM FATHER LI EBLER and Companions at P. O. Box 5 Monument Valley, Utah 84536 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Non·Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Mexicln Hit , Utah Permit No. 2 |