Title | Steve L. Jensen 1963 |
Creator | Steve L. Jensen |
Description | Student field notes from zoology classes in 1963 |
Subject | Zoology Student Field Notes |
Date | 1963 |
OCR Text | Show di : 3 as he tet ee Dia She Sete n tbe Deee = es EA See co Sea reneteRS Ss $3 eet ve ae Seer eee Sic i Senwser7 Morr rere bay Pas ~ Zeelagy I'F62- 63 /3) a - m. - . aden ehee Sa liad ep thhSee ReckerSe 4 : 2 “es a “- te Slee LE -\ensen 1963 = vote ~ Specimerrs trapping bot pet im ntcoreew Lie. oles IP? that the cedaise they were | of! prepsred. ' | E38. rile | 5,800’ , above Merkley Urntah lbs 22 May Masts [ 6-44 a Vernal ) ; Uta -/96 3 Ht aoa : aS Peromyscus ees /8E5- 80- Zo - 24 ‘ 7 hs pei es. Bouse. Aene ley Kei esle ( worth of! Verne) ; SAG eV etak: 760. Pied q wz : Botanmwas £2 miles.” ‘daee dL a 30- a Gy memys Bee as Sd led ela a= Zieh. acne. af Wasate4 / = 1963 O2 - Jes fee May Grirsde tos pile be ceols - UU. 5. Aishway do , 5 Ate 376 - Oe 32-72 o7 ides fe tah - Colts 4 - fr2 4121 89S a798 0 or May 60- 56-7 Soak or7_ U.S, fig hway 4o, Utah /9%63 310- 70O- 40-172 Ero Les Oenzbhryos - Sb sey, (Poreed Snug ra Le CaewadieSon". Sotke ale at ee 2.4 = et Skin > tt ok jin bei Only April ~ leg eaudes : JFe 3 /L0- 60- /7- Jd bembryos - £ pews ‘ Steve l . Aensen 1963 ries Z.0 Lamar , 6,700 Salt. a May aw Stein Cspus ~ primceps Bars o M4 > (nhl 6, sto" Lee 4,4 palostris spwiles Se 74 a Marmara Only 7 e ? Weae bE 7 oo = May ~ ZO- Otah 6 Ss, sop (1mmatore ) Variegatus (lactating) 420+ Canyor i eo eee a Utah A75- IBoO- 7A - (86s Fe~ 22 Sanpete ane Oteh 19763 feregrathus Parves /} &” Herog nat bos Parves - Peromyscus rpraricolatvs foes Fe 168. 85+ 22 - 170: Bo- Zl- kK ais! Fores? Lec 6, S20", Sanpete a Utah Z5- May. - Sylvilages nottall, Skelel, Dh Only Lea Hs /963 cs et 73- lales, JO Maple Sanpete Pe Ss 25__- May —- + 1S ee 3 16Ct ee Movth of Maple ai Utah S976 3 Z4- May wo o Los lade & only Maple 12 as Cgessiaps oh weed ee aes: At ts /F63 360- 42- 100-66 43 oF ae a a Deeein eSSTeS 2SRE Sieve CC Jensen 1963 ‘3 April Mouth oh Z set arr oS the S-/oO toot bee te so only @ See p laced _ high oe, late ie Utah Dd. J at elaced oat best hig Fi po 4 traps above dared | ees along ee. the He streau is sethng plik crass: 2A ze Cipste and set Aether Uy pozfe. traps Hvis page. intl Specimerz at mate qaoere each male side a wasthout a hg Pts Cee University aoe As 30. iat at © Spur of the To trap ons & face Emigration Sait jake Ey Utah the weather produced faker pone: de ccsmets Ce hes a, 920", ego' pment Paoase. rmaniculatus , or7e stream stopped Lake locality ; Specimen. tose ere another doe were and ede es ole nee dee beaps map a area on the Pero rey sSCuUS murley ‘0? the bee Sede the Gl the west sie of Phe stream oOr7 edge. The ane Araps ames Apri/ apart oale /6 , vickr rouse Haps bated! with oatmeal, Streaw Bed Vhe 4, S00’ for the last fas remaining people r/He dlong In 14 ar boter ctuacs Canyor, and -warled.. lems, peanvt Leek reachel +he chsecl and’ /ockeS gre 6:30 24. de, Cty cnement” ek Ashley's in campus es She trips were the cafe Utah de traps »not hopes of toads enly ic eee orve ak trapping the buying bait. £ Some out Map Oma of trapping Canyon, area 4,500’, e Ons baci - NMhovth af wk. traps te Salt Lake fo. 3 taht Gtive 12 Rare 1963 ZO Agril- bait Cntis op ok Some woth aes proceeded ar ude Sl iq a etree a or chunks on The Lod my arrother. ak pickled Liaally ols endeSs ee and way. #raps (20 Viclor mouse traps) were placed Seashell Let s-10 feet rather TF Apart. heavy eh sae OT lef} snow in the storm. Se eee area eae shoot ecavse 6:00 Om. the traps pilend “ious of ~etellered mies er eee eee ood cateh in Hre saneama eae ete ae ee i page. zl Aaeaee Alors locality Oad ok tecovered (rt Species partially was the ZO Severt were r70Use waches dn eyaes wir dete: toe. cod br devoured (2a » Specimen id Was was ia fe haben were Cet ¥ those. ) peasoe he and an Micretos praeraticre., Lhe eas was Vebe discus alders meac of = ae The /@6 Smow, or7 e Sirrgle ie orthy pe aril, patch were 2 traps ne badly pile. Aer ther yea WG ee a Emigration Captian Began! Sal babe (7A. bok Shine Cefn anil Ao lee the had same Gumaat drea receeded nk as 4630 Pi ry errough ee Acdsee ede Previous bie rr... entry. {. ee The the seaus 4 traps e os! rales aries. eesmadel¢ s, Foo * Caeévbed Salt hake Paya bien Peis, ZZ ce - ‘raps oe eli Otal Sisve rie sae 1963 Z3_Goril Lont'd Es IT hed reporled rmising in the previeos entry. All four traps were sprong , three were empty the foerbe ett badly devanred Both Phe shin Saeed were Specimen “Whe ‘skull pl ares is ee Shas een retarned, Ainteerr \Viclor swrovse -raps Bere set by 7e in almost the Sane ares with the excezhen of the placement of 5 traps the toad a places Bk the Ka alders (8 yards The ear traps were apart. Specimen of Sylvilages was seen in along the sicle of the road. Same April a narrow ditch, 5 -/o A Sige 00 yards dowrst-eam hocality Vichr wrovse trags prodeced one 7 Naea A: Ee a ee langicsurdates pes. We Leon Gee eee pile. The he Specimen af Mermify at ¢ maniculatus was rot reSaired. Ks vadhéa ting Daa eae bad Specirmer7s Bes Sake rather ea tHoan heavy cere ke early bam ieee eee ae oo ee, Eo rather solo a eae everrs7g Specimens Fleas ( S.phonaptera). 4 iS Steve1963 £. Jensen L May Z miles toward Lamb's Canyarr ee Farley's Canyerr, Boon Sate cebes 2. yee I Sef reaches the ZO Wehr rouse the roads. and Z may The oAe She rtp ht ah traps op Broond aes portiaw as primncegs, ics ay The ao sor Wepes ei a Ss dry where heavy 0 riserky or7 and aavleh a Z, primeeps skoll 50 was only f. zen traps allal; Utah fighway 234 Witham 2 ae j and the be “The Specimen ss road, The set pile; tn fat... Lad The EC. hagas ears greene concentration ; eu | ants Ea HssJ a wonk traps and trip THe. 8 Are B. Utah £. balers , colfectrrag moseerts. Ar aps side. He Speciuserrs 2} ; and 4,727 3 CDistek Edmonds, maythes , ve 6 S.3.6, River) F. coal extreculy oe. Peles C77O eae the apart, im a”, 4 £3pus eiae ee Ceorge rare als, om BM and oak brush rear preduced South of Sensex on Le the Or. a Cas One rule whee 6:15 baled with oalmeal betes betes ce /adcis across recorded ( East the teh yards trmouse Specimen the Binid it eed Bea Was jo at Aocalily ZO Single frags area p#raps were were placed Same ae trappiiig aw Hire greatest éraes Were = a SSDS 0/2 - oe eae enna aes ee Sea Wiese Tee aS ; Saas, i Nerise rn 196 3 = May Lot of baited S 4 May ww +f See te ‘rap of : Zr Ary VP places eet wn. they park ok te as lpr sp. ead inaee rales ; Ae ava/, seer tbe materials bvt wore as 2p CorMseqers kept ecient the ene SPESMSIDOLTI SS are ela 4 Na Brol The skolls he i26.4-€ thaeo bags Reromy scus dhree spo led, ee es wide plastic were act but Soor7 Aol fe case the dylvilagus = +hese be eo en Ace. Ure bead pnd ausere pe eee ea were and Amt e: deg ps tae y sce puting bee on mriouse Spec SPTC SITS Ack area ae tae pon eric leads © fee ru budin focally Z£8 The pearut SPA regolar are (cede 470 CL) Norieroos 43 Ler 7.6 miles above Merkley bark ( sorth of Vernal ) , Re et alo of ah ff sig /e : SPECIFIES begase eA a ete he dae y ards a large +he Ea fale Specsnen ea cited were at tL ua as seer7 heel area. was sr? ey ut al a. ey és Fy ot U3x€FeC : Kotarras ZOgoage , 7le chill (/é as Or+4er ie good cs ape epee / baie Ane PT ttIIcTIOs raro a other Aaa: Gdecress 1, Ale anc! deca was Eijnees ae yV ¥ y sags f = ro en Li # ape Vv M ¥w ¥ y Ve S is = : = / } ,@ J 7 le rnite ) Weesér ) Utah + \ oe ~ x =e oes “ Utah highway *z34 ~~ Ze Otek Sie mak ES enser, as Saunier «sade 1 ’ i Go Seve L. Senser 4 1.5 mils May above Merkley vk (Alor bh ne Vernal } Be tie ebe As. Pied ZS vielr Mouse traps were placed! by myssell ar area west off Gill Rlers and the road. gate The the vegetation varied sak honk ahiiie trem Vhs Be een cod igs Beat grasses 4 traps eee ee op a steep rocky grade covere! with pines , + the base Bl a lane shen eats ee eaeee et a. ? ered anche Jraps traps @cress were 8 bale! wa! Php Sema// Brassy rere ning prveaclew, The with peanut bLoter anc/ catueatl, Dering and aller De. Sidmaureds. terol TT. A ae the traps were set out shat iz while ee aver Fhreated fob hse. nee Lonel A fe. valae the Ornitbelegy collechin ad only a few pepieoeodtion @ See map ae a Marie May ZS Veramyseus S (rg le P eeee ee eee ee rage, hocalit, Nicler reuse fraps produce! parce latos Spec men STV AITICL lates ab were 6 ls 23? Aa ee myscvs faker , as aed . vag ht The be expected, = te ‘< Ff at a Aa 4ay/ \ \\ = Sorntper Bonch a, Civil as 2. Gp ae 5,600: above 5 Uintah mie ‘Traps Merkley fie bark Utah [rer the at Vernal) Steve L. ters 196% a a ay te poe eid BM el he Weel pallens: thee A De crevice. The Case Pes Z.8 wales Pic Yin stocy rie ae ik woere Jeicae regusred. Nei ciate o7 U.S. Highway 40, Gas coMechsrng tas at A ee renrai rire Pereycoe lwest = ee ted ober ee Ae Specrrmen er te ae 7. Ae hgh Behe be nip titie aquatic intents preceeding tis (othe! Vezaees west <husard sur meate/ Vera! wher EZ spate! a pair er Coa Poutene’, LZ. Spriredaig toms Bhan? able JO ae a Lees yards . ZL Rpts macisng beaut fil , a oust ye throogh or7e was As ee locky ous Loest Lf Sagebrush 7 | chill evrough eS epee cA eatle eeceen/ecl thiles the the (os sed at poll was a4 Soo Nee as Lap ort Ls. highway 7200’, Wasatch G., Utah nls Ss A@cw a stepped at a the Sr al/ and was oe ke colary oa in was Leet eile ote colony shot furs. om 7) OOF epee Orv7e Was chine urdec! Orv and retained S77 brom Usas the ee raat Hae. way Aighusay. heme ee dei e Ait spot. as aed. ttre amcl rather 7he other Sik aor facd ehieek was T4e Bheust Ao, Sisiis 1 uA ernsea (763 Poe: Miple.. Canyaa., buses , Sanpete ee cites May Waried sesicle “Paaegdlii proceeded Canyerr arc/ “smetx? alee loading the ain ak ee Carp Gelpec! prepare Beyd , Kew Bianchi, and ZL traps. te begar and sef 6 $2 wvseom Fraps were tn Close grounds a2 aboot Mouse specials and ser ether conglmerant <t#Ts. camp. W4 4:30 2m. began setting oor 400 yards Sownstream wéter prosinmatty Maple La 8B Ge by rat /raps, alorg the sheam or of he stream Fo/lounring These aera shear the streane brought os 4 the toad. we crosses the road Li peng: he een ee ee tae bridge and we preceeded up a dry gulch and set cod 35 cee eee ftay oe traps. The vegataton was oak brush and bunch grass and the gulch was scaWerecl were bate! @ See tias Same us/H, beavy badldeke of aces or ie back elle rege. Leeality a great deal of 75 wzuseum and the might prevented mammal activity. specials , ancl Vero myscus ore -raps with peanet beter ancl oatmeal, A heavy rain clorimg = orks /7 manicolatos , Si ct palustris 1 6 welor Moose Traps, at trapr produced Micro tus a ? —_ longi cavdates, fetuses |eee Gleve _L. Nensen 1763 24 were May Larrt'/, ; after givers ht other sfodersts +he traps were pot out. whe came The op long icavdatos bees put api ih Lge Benoa , ancl has oe gee was as pot vp by re Gis ase eee" cicdil have be line been my ee arked se cS biog +recorded as T he Sere Chapa ie anc tei Aha is recorded nom bering Rk ey sae system cles ae 5.4 (7) 31. the heen te specimen wor// Sy ee Sis polostris pa ssy was drea tap ped 6a is “east along Salhcl tre ata Trap 4.4 svles Arized Hampton, deserted st Sooth of Wales , 5,500’ Sanpele &., vtah wsith .410's Ben Kees Bianchi , and farm Stevenson, at a Stepped = Sion South of Waks. We Mnrrecaty spelled letersi bigs Ge aA ee EESaROPEBase EIA Mapage PO large bith aE Orciadings ml ee Ce Shad Sader. rire To tetossed Or. Qarcant's pie deee) the Licst ae wsstroctisres._ trees We where alse shot gin pict phe teak fhe Homann er shull arty, Ok ae ee ge aeee a Severa/ ee iinmatare, ahd ed hee bid! ie eeleel we) as rears beige ee of OLE the /arge pile colony varies atus ue W3S. which were relateditch eine PERE oul © Neeer 1963 Z4 May lantd Shot ja the a lackaliing Mo oth ate Bo yd proceeded we A @ leading fiaps tscena. See ction over Sanpete Carn p canyan. part tion sts back map SO spec (e7er beg ar sed zn, Olah. al 4:30 and Ff this setiing ad SO pont fraps prwusevry crest , and clown “te the at / of area wreseunr ZL ard S rerrarder Boyd on the baees ba specals pearves ae serore scrub ae Visi pas or ite wera dace The ale were the Great fares , i. ene were All Peregnathos endaout coere maricslatys. pet Up by Stesckeceke 4 Parvles trappee! z beromyseus Speesnmens ether fraps Lerommy sees bs aieBe ea and the hs aha i cr est ard fess Dearden The buh bee : sosd ah She bonch grass. freq mabhus Verognathus Lhe poad-\ a dey hah preaece/S either Le labels aie ponds oe The [eft x pinion-yeniper , ard Pa alee. The ecw Sagi ee a ee goleh ° Matmets.. , > 22 a setteeaes tmoeountain , oak, and Lov He +he rrerthly ate or7 the the Ss. 5.4 ie as [asics Dearden L as Ca Maple cressed v7 area recorded L. variegates /s oas sanrze and lr? al/ trapped the ere rmyLees types are tecorded ak: as Sid. tog’ //, ra a2ua7 ce Parry Movrtain Side covered Se Vises -onipers ,and Bunc h Grasses @ eo pee Mouth. aff ot traps Maple Canyon . Saree J é Secu oak, “ ia / ce be saccedd (963 i>. ZS May Lori al The Lees aes Maple May ls fain, rou, Syhilages Forest Lene rrvkeall, | ieket seid : The is a eotrcl Specimen we x # Coppaos , 6, 500" eecdaal. tt as ls d single an hy Sanpete kK Utah, aPecra7er7 the be kde LZ. skelefor as S. a nh twas # i. Adele Cnn ee Soe ee ee ge prevented’ greatest coeatlher oy thas trapping siete. taal an Sucess part was teuainder cf 1s cots tanding very emoyable verte. ae birds, seen trapped, +h ere Rood asia. (42CJ—S. These by Bales ae eum te and the oa mes ; Bo ae the She and a ot P eed eko be tin spss ' a// were tmam om als hire stnpp ed oe Efi toy able at 2 lmede a ars FAL BLLyf and reptiles variely SAee ss Area a Te a Seer Many Atfererd species yeraroiaals » arc! and fe sh ae Vis bark of Usrete p rescence, abe dee. an A ae ary - jt very was a ol the nae ° Note ltocre others only +hose prepared ee ee Species He Mw B i the Wein For Tlinerary Ny | 4 s that { t Specves PRCA ERS H 3 4 aay is Ccooont SEA EA > ‘ nagre BeiS Re or = a ss Bes ae ag Sensen dr fern PEGS Lhdhs 196 3 s a a highevay Go , J S| a code i ee colony Ming whe ZO eta Ge @trn ar tus , Masateh &., Ota Specisres7 rene s, a / Rajesh cease S447 a// a taal ol CenaPeeae ae (Os mas fkce was Lanse ith ge 477 Specie at a bnad 30 Shige bot coe eo hig Ccwoas yards, So ae Awd Aal | | Za as was ie Cae a Jakes) The Specter is Presselien SS = 4; bed a aeaga8etaS | eg Steve£. Sensen Varieg Aho IPE 3 24 Li Albay v7 les og by 4772 sedate Sieh ; baith eeceay ia cay bales j lactading a2 . ‘Ges eee ae F/O fends shotger bins The no Saat se? Specumerr : was 9 Ail, a de Sanpete Gi. Lo aed shot as a eroee ce boihess ee o) ee One Reese off Loh, /e C variegates Sone 30 sti /f peces it and ) hve Wwess ) was ee tapped ja fae shot Be ureth Sporting | (Stat by backed a ees Sieve ae etree eae 1963 =. ee orrvs ies May Be iaeee B78 Dias a |zZo ee was Tae was 3 eek sag le ) ai, me a chil, af ate Jha oe tobie Sage ae be J, erin i, =. Aighwry 4o, Utah Specie pee dg 4abh.fod Pe was abot tad shot ee 22 yards, Ls been rdeal Spe@ctunesz Pi athiecae. The was SESE ts 3a Specimen 5} ibieg. we a 7) oi PA » , Iceahaatealtn aaaa Cini p. oe ze Sy Sie iced s eT eeee (96 3 ¢ May | 16 Seve pri les z 47 a | a. Merkley he ( Alor Ld of Vernal i eh ed sige ZO aqvnge ran above @cross ; Spel/mer 7'/e a ch, //, large was at Was about aaa area, shot 30 y ards "The h Olas oe arc/ hear as un 2h Sh aoe as J pecrwer dg i Neriten Micre Ae frgicaedis 1963 24 . 5 Alpril rave . Fae ) +, 700 . tl large across The tit ‘ Sail Sieh PATER he Species (6 v7 vat ) Ene ecleMs ac.. Ake Speci7err pile. skol/ Ee The 56 iia Bt Suk. # ie ee fee Zo was Utah bes Speciese7 Ski a pe ay =e» was Emigraher v7ear was ony ee yn ae a rhea was ine da baal G exabrye = oetuae Pi! pie A Noares Mar-rr2e di 196 3 24 - May $.4 mks iF qwas ead ead the Bw a piace 2 VaAr7 Cr7 te i. Se ide ulales, ' ieeag p Spectre by 47 e “healt Bs Bbw S ot rei ee on (skell an a dade: on ly). son ’ Sainpede A. Obsh 4 Jiras77 a ol «410 The , o chil 5S Pecrmer7 1S a » aaneiSer ae y eve. eB Aenser Pai a Vw ae eroee 1963 et May Morvth | Turco 77 SC0 499 | aro/ ah Maple the Specials Lil or ahr a Larisjaes Specuzers oatmeal, birch eet as cere bate They in a were rocky ballet ar 4 They Si wy. oes eo (ebaele ee A-app eo “ey Fh eee palbbuish are cen th peanut om Otel the bis Hae cres + Plsrier7 erstpery xe siete as nee baa Ferinasy seus bet rnc ba bess \963 Math: hol May aly Lorn S Specimen ee co th atl Maple S17g/e emadoue trapped , mas Aeb:tat peanot Heed )» 5, 750’, Sanpere Ze Utah and recorded Pa be ai th ba ee speciurren P? GF aro! a as oak s+77vSeCSH7 Bac dena was selected CG. = 12. The sro, Diictacks specisa/ deat ve LES Seen i Sensen te Scus LEONA: aee Qa Le 196 3 5 May 1.5 miles above Merkley fark (alrth of Vernal), eee doa £/ jarise was ee ee siegle oe ie zen and Specimen atti 38:5 Ls eb Comer gel = els Serupers, bale. as or? a TT he F J # , steep Specimen Silks fs Aenser Roe pale thnie 1963 ae | Map/e May AA a Seen // Pde ia the ae beer das Caijas Ley ores o Sig le streness foes 4a7oOoUuUse are S. 1. * ae Specimer about hes ZF Zk: Jae x yards was a The Si. was LOO Carp. oat eden (3.). acl fear inseee Aapped tats the cor th Speciw7er7 iteemediy: Otfe4 peanot is recor ced Sheca ek nsen 5 1963 fret 7" May Maple #/ Fe. Spe i ancl is lui u Canyen, Single Zo mois Ij — Forest Specinm7er7 The a ett oa study Carn 1 ni’ was itt Spectmmen eel age only, the ts collected by SyLileges cecoecledl as Sanpete tee tak Lorry Shiela kes S, 4, # Ls f i Sh a TEaolaE ae De Sie . A\ensen| Zaps ‘ pag erinceps 1763 & May PS wee las Goe lee beds Salt sede a. pee oles halen single 77ear Specurert eg cade a was The @s Luks Zz J tS Baad! # 6 was Sinead, so Specrrven Sel, Pac lees Sasi, 43h Specimen eee mE asa hoes enh twwds ee The ‘r7 cha JL, fig She oak ah the 7Sell an was ete is |
Spatial Coverage | Utah |
Format | application/pdf |
Language | eng |
ARK | ark:/87278/s6fn6x2f |
Setname | umnh_fn |
ID | 1604083 |
Reference URL | https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6fn6x2f |