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Show 144 Tuesday: Bay/ Bncsx using water, but gon a to -Michael's to vork. Wednesday: Bnox still absent from water but absent from bogie. Water running In ona place. Thursday: Knox still baaing water but absent from heme. Water running in one place. Priaay: Bnox still using water hut absent from horaa. ;.ater running on one place. Saturday: Bvarything satisfactory. Be marks: Mr. Bill ism Thurston claims on Priday that ha hadn't enough water, but wa3 abaent .'ill day working for Ban Demis on Bew Hope Ditch, and Br, Peldar just above him co_o»laiaad of hiving too much water, and turned it down the ditch oarly in the morn in g. V»'ater going to waste below Thurston's. It is a fact that it 13 difficult to secure lessees with sufficient capital and eaperiauee who are willing-to v* accept the hardships and inconveniences of a new country, as they oan find aore attractive propositions elsewhere. Thus many are ill-provided and equipped for the task, and become di scouraged, andloave the country. Others remain, but knowing that they work hard with small return, blame tha ocuntry and the Government, or any one that may hava had anything to do with the project for their "bad luck14, and local agitators, who are present in every community, seise tha opportunity for their ov.n 3olf-aggrondi- jement. The Uintah Project has just successfully passed a very in rd an<i trying winter. Bo3t of tha ne'er-do-wells have left 1 44 |