Dec. 31, 2019; #11 University of Utah vs. University of Texas

Update Item Information
Title Dec. 31, 2019; #11 University of Utah vs. University of Texas
Subject Football; College sports; Athletics; gamebook; Pac-12 Conference
Description Football game statistics; game book
Additional Information Attendance: 60,147; Valero Alamo Bowl; Head Coach Kyle Whittingham
Creator University of Utah Athletics Department
Publisher Digitized by Athletics Department, University of Utah
Date 2019-12-31
Format application/pdf
Identifier 2019.12.31_Texas-38_Utah-10
Language eng
Rights Digital Image Copyright University of Utah
Sport Football
Opponent University of Texas
Spatial Coverage Alamodome; San Antonio, Texas
Seasons 2019
Final Score University of Texas 38; Utah 10
ARK ark:/87278/s6f52r78
Setname uu_ath_2
ID 1525748
Reference URL