Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (090328-988)

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Title Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (090328-988)
Common Name Virginia Rail; Mallard; American Wigeon; Marsh Wren; Short-eared Owl
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Craniata
Class Aves
Subject Ambient sounds; Places; Nature sounds; Birds
Spatial Coverage Fish Springs National Wildlife Refuge (Utah); Juab County (Utah); Utah
Creator Colver, Kevin
Media Rights Management Audio file copyright Kevin Colver, 2009. All rights reserved
Publisher Western Soundscape Archive, University of Utah
Date 2009-03-28
Type Sound
Format audio/mpeg
Digitization Specifications Compressed from .wav format into .mp4 delivery format
Contributing Institution J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84128
Description Audio tracks of animal sounds
Note Altitude: 4281 feet; Terrestrial habitat: Desert; Aquatic habitat: Marsh; Climate: Arid (in general); Season: Spring; Weather: Partly Cloudy, Light wind (to 5 MPH); Temperature: 27F; Humidity: 27%; Local time: 3:30AM
Global Positioning System Coordinates 39.85105 / -113.358867
Source File Recording Equipment Recorder: Sound Devices 722; Microphone: Senn. 30/40 MS combo, Normalized to -5dB; Sample bit rate: 24 bit
ARK ark:/87278/s6f19c4n
Setname uu_wss
ID 1118728
Reference URL