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Show A, THE ATTo^Nev Gsf-EoAi" A N D B!ff« TO ,L_S f-**h NUMIll* o A- 55552 ^Jyy[Mx$lnni\tm~ GM //-•y .X__i._U "u \\ L JUL 121907 ^L V ^ S ' I N T ^ ^ The Secretary oiHrftTlnterior. Sir: July 11,^1 OFFICE J <Cjy<j ii-rt^ I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt cf ycur letter of the 15th ultimo (FW 1625 G P L ) , in which ycu request that this Department take the necessary steps to protect the rights of the Indians of the Uintah and Ouray Agency, Utah, to the waters of the Lake Fork river in a certain conflict pending between the Dry Gulch and 7/hiterocks Irrigation companies. The United States Attorney for Utah has today teen directed to communicate with Captain Hall, the Acting Indian Agent, and to take prompt steps to protect the interests of the Indians in these waters. To the end that there may bo proper cooperation between the United States Attorney and the Indian Department it is suggested that Captain Hall be directed to render the former such assistance as he may require. Very respeotfully, / r6 i: n r, 7 At to rfne y-f. e ne r al. |