Techniques for physician review of patient history data in the HELP computer system

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Title Techniques for physician review of patient history data in the HELP computer system
Publication Type thesis
School or College School of Medicine
Department Biomedical Informatics
Author Anderson, Curtis Lee
Date 1985-12
Description The patient medical history is a necessary and critical tool for making diagnostic decisions. Recently the HELP hospital information system implemented a plan to collect a patient's history via a computer-directed, self-administered questionnaire. Because this method removed physicians from the history taking process, and scheme was devised to report the history and allow the physicians to directly edit patient responses. To determine the most efficeint means of presenting this information, two review formats were made available. One format presented data via medical system or speciality. The other displayed data that generated computer-suggested diagnoses. The system was made available on a trial basis in two hospital rooms. Bedside terminals were provided to allow patients to take their own histories and allow physicians to review the history information on their patient rounds. Results showed that while patients overwhelmingly accepted the history taking process, physicians could not find the time to review the information through computer terminals. The physicians preferred to review the computer-acquired historical data by printed reports. Interviews were used to gather additional information from the participating physicians. This paper describes the history reporting/reviewing process and presents a basic understanding of the history taking process
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Computer-Assisted Diagnosis
Subject MESH Automatic Data Processing; Medical History Taking
Dissertation Institution University of Utah
Dissertation Name MS
Language eng
Relation is Version of Digital reproduction of "Techniques for physician review of patient history data in the HELP computer system Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library.
Rights Management © Curtis Lee Anderson.
Format application/pdf
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 1,115,021 bytes
Identifier undthes,4052
Source Original: University of Utah Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library (no longer available)
Master File Extent 1,115,071 bytes
ARK ark:/87278/s6dv1mrj
Setname ir_etd
ID 191695
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