Block printing: Suzuki Harunobu [001]

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Title Block printing: Suzuki Harunobu [001]
Photo Number Box 61, Hokusai and other Japanese Printers, 36
Description Photograph of block print: "Netting Fireflies" also known as "Catching Fireflies" by Suzuki Harunobu (Japanese, 1725?-1770), chūban, (approximate size, may vary slightly) 27.2 x 20.3 cm, circa 1769; print depicts a youthful couple gathering fireflies
Creator Tierney, Lennox
Date 1949
Subject Suzuki, Harunobu, 1725?-1770--Photographs; Block printing--Japan--Photographs; Ukiyoe--Japan--Photographs; Couples--Art--Photographs; Men--Art--Photographs; Women--Art--Photographs; Fireflies--Art--Photographs; Insect trapping--Art--Photographs; Wetlands--Art--Photographs; Night--Art--Photographs; Irises (Plants)--Art--Photographs; Art; Ukiyoe; Rivers
Keywords Chūban
Collection Name and Number P0479 Lennox and Catherine Tierney Photo Collection
Holding Institution Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Publisher Digitized by J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah
Caption on Slide "Netting Fireflies" also known as "Catching Fireflies" by Suzuki Harunobu (Japanese, 1725?-1770), circa 1769. Hand-colored.
Additional Information Image was scanned from slide. Hand-colored, image flipped/reversed. Note: "Suzuki Harunobu (1725? - July 7, 1770) was a Japanese woodblock print artist, one of the most famous in the Ukiyo-e style. He was an innovator, the first to produce full-color prints (nishiki-e) in 1765, rendering obsolete the former modes of two- and three-color prints. Harunobu used many special techniques, and depicted a wide variety of subjects, from classical poems to contemporary beauties...Much about Harunobu's life is unknown."--Wikipedia. Note: "Chūban, a print size about 7 by 10 inches (18 by 25 centimeters)"--Wikipedia. Note: "There are three different states of this print, and though the differences are minor, they are worth recounting. In what is taken to be the first state, [most likely the one in this image], the youth's leg is enclosed in a legging and the thong-fastening of his sandal is elaborate...(A.I.C.)".--Suzuki Harunobu by Jack Hillier, page 162. Note: Original caption information provided as: "Harunobu b. 1725-d. 1778 (1725-1770) Hand Colored Slide"
Type Image
Rights Management This material may be protected by copyright. Permission required for use in any form. For further information please contact the Multimedia Archivist, Special Collections, J. Willard Marriott Library, University of Utah.
ARK ark:/87278/s6cr6bbd
Digitization Specifications Original scanned on Nikon Coolscan 5000 and saved as 2700 ppi TIFF. Display image generated in CONTENTdm as JP2000.
Donor Tierney, Lennox; Tierney, Catherine
Setname uum_lctpc
ID 340005
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