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Show enthalpy flows, the following assumptions were used: 226°F feedwater temperature with 194.2 Btu/lb specific enthalpy; steam specific enthalpy of 1276.6 Btu/lb; and natural gas heat of combustion of 1050 BtU/scf. Fig. 4 presents this comparison. Table 1. Firing data from Penn State's West Campus Steam Plant [10] Boiler 1: Wicks Type WT, installed in 1962, 110,000 pph steam Firing Rate Steam Output CO2 °2 Excess Air sctbl 10 00 pphll000 % % % <t> 32 28 5.5 11 98.2 0.5 52 43 8.8 5 27.9 0.8 70 57 9.9 3 14.9 0.9 89 73 10.2 2.3 11.0 0.9 Boiler 2 Wicks Type WT, installed in 1962, 110,000 pph steam Firing Rate Steam Output CO2 °2 Excess Air sctbll000 pphll000 % % % <t> 20 20 3 15.5 252.9 0.3 40 36 5.5 9 80.0 0.6 65 54 8 6 36.7 0.7 80 64 9.2 3.4 18.1 0.8 90 74 9.5 3 15.4 0.9 Boiler 5 B &W Type 4 Drum Sterling, installed in 1947, 75,000 pph steam Firing Rate Steam Output CO2 °2 Excess Air sctbll000 pphll000 % % 0/0 <t> 15 18 6.6 9 66.9 0.6 31 26 8.2 6 35.7 0.7 57 44 9.8 3.1 15.5 0.9 65 48 10.0 2.8 13.7 0.9 Boiler 6 Erie City Type WT, installed in 1968, 120,000 pph steam Firing Rate Steam Output CO2 °2 Excess Air sctbll000 pphl 10 00 % % 0/0 <t> 20 13 4 13.7 167.4 0.4 40 30 5.5 11 97.8 0.5 56 45 7.6 7 45.0 0.7 70 56 9.5 3.8 19.6 0.8 81 63 9.8 3.2 16.0 0.9 90 68 10 3 14.7 0.9 8 |