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Show ^y C3 Chicago, Oct. 30, 1957. Dear Folks9 X.had hoped to get a page off to all of you a couple of days ago, that it iiiight reach some of you in the East before toe weekend, but; Hpressure of affairs* prevented. I'he pressure case chiefly from having been av;ay from Chicago the first half of the week. As I wrote in my last, another trip to Oberlln was indicated* Bill Sheldon and 1 drove to Oberlln a week ago tods/, arriving nicely at 10 p.xs. We sailed in and worked hard all day Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, 11-12 hours each day, in audition to a few confer eneee*. and then drove bacK. Wednesday morning, in time lor my pneuxuotnorax clinic Weooesxiay afternoon at 2 o'clock* We ao ootnpllshed a groat deal* chiefi-v 'xo anthrotyping of 1000 college nomen from pictures on file in tne wo®enfs physical education dwparo^entj and now are In an excellent position to get out statistically accurate and valid norms on men and women of college age. We shall be working am&% of the rest of the autumn quarter in getting these results into presentable snape. On my return to Cnlcago I found not a little mail from several of you. These were chiefly Art's good letter of the Sift] and Prankie'a of the 23rd. Art *£> reports on M s progressing clinical work are of course most interesting! and we are very much interested likewise in tne accounts of Franklefs beginning medical endeavors* It Is hard to say which sound the sore strenuous! Tie here in Chicago second the thougnt tnot it was p rand that FCT k A:.i ooaxd get together In Boston! The news of the several Tuckers at Harvard is most interesting* Yhey seem to thrive in tnst part of tne country. Frsn£iefs constants on textboolcs are interesting,, too. We here used Bremer, because then Xxrrdrsovfs boo^c had not yet been published (Bloom finished working on it the next year); but I always thought It a comparatively inferior text. Slad to hear that both la: I ov and Spalteholz continue to get such a good workoutt Gi&t bis ky- .0 xxio .x ,•-• h.,,..,x- f^toeLi, for one can't say ?o much for the Chicago brand. But this afternoon we are likely to. see a darn good team In action* when Ohio State is due to rive Chicago a good thorough trouncing. Just before leaving for Oberlin came Mother's letter of the middle of September, and 1 ianedlately sent that on Kast. It was postaarked Coaotanjx Sept* 17 (and Hajphong the steth), vmi came thronga in tne very respectable t£»§* considering the disturbed conditions, of Just under 6 w-rs. Another ABCFM oulletln is jujst here, report in*, every! lux; in North China, as far as nissionaries are concerned, much quieter, except in dhansl and in northern Shantung, including ehsien* In Oberlln I called at the Cadys (to get some additional bonalag, in sxxr&ge, too;, but all were out save ll-yr.-old Eugene. 1 did also chance to see xrd Hubbard* Sad time for little else, of course. Chicago lias boon having beautiful balny Indian Busxaer weather, and It is a beautiful nspring day11 €or the football game this afternoon! Sallie and I both have ben very busy, doing abox the same as in earlier reports* Our one diversion of the past x:%%y has been the celebration, yesterday* of our "Fifth Wedoing Anniversary! The celebration consisted of a dinner out together, ana a movie Afterwards! The dinner was excellent} and the movie was magnificent - the picturi&ation of James Hilton's magnificently conceived wixst Horizon"* It was beautifully done. Tonight the Stelles and we Join In a further slight celebration, when *e go downtown to oat s^iya*a , japan's faned dish, whicn is so deleious, even if Japan*! current international policies are not! Love to everyone, ARAy |