Why the Delay in Diagnosis

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Identifier 20150222_nanos_posters_191
Title Why the Delay in Diagnosis
Creator Kristen E. Dunbar; Michael M. Johns, III; Hyder A. Jinnah; Ami R. Rosen; Laura J. White; Ted H. Wojno
Affiliation (KED) Tufts Medical Center/New England Eye Center/Ophthalmology, Boston, MA; (MMJ) (LJW) Emory University Hospital/Otolaryngology, Atlanta, GA; (HAJ) (ARR) Emory University Hospital/Neurology, Atlanta, GA; (THW) Emory University Hospital/Emory Eye Center/Ophthalmology Atlanta, GA
Subject Blepharospasm; Dystonia
Description Blepharospasm is a debilitating dystonia shown to affect quality of life, mood, and sleep quality [1,2,3]. With proper diagnosis, early treatment with botulinum toxin dramatically improved symptoms and quality of life [4,5]. Older studies showed unacceptable lag times from symptom onset to diagnosis prolonging the time to acceptable treatment [6,7]. Despite improved education, we noticed many patients presenting with incorrect diagnoses or on inappropriate treatments. The aim of this study was to explore time from symptom onset to correct diagnosis to evaluate how physician education has changed since initial studies in the United States.
Date 2015-02-22
Language eng
Format application/pdf
Type Text
Source 2015 North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society Annual Meeting
Relation is Part of NANOS 2015: Poster Presentations
Collection Neuro-Ophthalmology Virtual Education Library: NANOS Annual Meeting Collection: https://novel.utah.edu/collection/nanos-annual-meeting-collection/
Publisher North American Neuro-Ophthalmology Society
Holding Institution Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, University of Utah
Rights Management Copyright 2013. For further information regarding the rights to this collection, please visit: https://NOVEL.utah.edu/about/copyright
ARK ark:/87278/s6bg5vvw
Setname ehsl_novel_nam
ID 184593
Reference URL https://collections.lib.utah.edu/ark:/87278/s6bg5vvw