Art Gallenson family and friends, 1973

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Title Art Gallenson family and friends, 1973
Photo Number P1591n05_02_013
Description Color 35-mm slide photograph of two men standing on a stony hillside with yellow flowers in bloom. Location unidentified but probably near Lake Mead in southern Nevada. Slide developed in April of 1973.
Creator Gallenson, Art (Arthur Sidney),1943-2014
Date 1973
Subject Gallenson, Art (Arthur Sidney),1943-2014--Friends and associates--Photographs
Spatial Coverage Lake Mead National Recreation Area (Ariz. and Nev.)
Collection Number and Name P1591 Art Gallenson slide collection
Collection Name Art Gallenson
Finding Aid
Relation is Part of Utah River Running Archives
Type Image/StillImage
ARK ark:/87278/s6a6kzgz
Setname uum_map_rr
ID 2351264
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