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Show 1CI.V TO TM-t rOkLOJWINttl I < Land. . DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, ^o'iTn""^^^" OFFICE OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, 40,104-1905. WASHINGTON. June 9,1905, The Honorable The Secretary of the Interior. Sir: Thi.3 Office has the honor to acknowledge the receipt, by Department reference for consideration and report, of a communication dated Hay 24,1905, from the Acting Secretary of War, enclosing for your information, copy of a report made by Lieut. Col. _?rank West, Inspector General, Southwestern Division, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, of hi3 investigation into the matter cf the reported purchase of arms and ammunition and.of the threatened uprising on the part of the White River Utes at the coming opening of the Uintah Indian Reservation, Utah. Colonel "teat states that from inquiries he ascertained that ' the only places where arms and fixed ammunition are sold to these Indians are at the town of Vernal, 27 miles from 3Tort Duchesne, Utah, and what is called "The Strip", one and one-half miles from the Post. JTirSt Lieutenant 3.P. Crowns, 29th Infantry, went to Vernal, at the request of Colonel West. He ascertained from the merchants there that between 8 and 10 rifles (-Winchester cal.39) and 4,000 rounds of .50 calibre ammunition had been purchased there during |