The search for individuality in the choreographic process

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Title The search for individuality in the choreographic process
Publication Type thesis
School or College College of Fine Arts
Department Dance, Modern
Author Tolman, Alyssa Suzanne
Date 2014-08
Description This thesis examines various techniques of highlighting dancers' individuality. In this document I examine choreographers and past creative investigations that influenced creative choices I made. I also discuss Laban movement analysis as a tool in finding an individual's authentic movement signature. In various chapters I reflect upon choreographic exercises I led which utilized repetition, memories and journaling as scores for improvisational exercises, and relate my struggles and observations in the creation of my final thesis piece. The research reveals ways of analyzing movement and discovering nuanced idiosyncrasies from dancers. Finally, I share how this project has changed my creative process as well as the impact it has on my future as an artist.
Type Text
Publisher University of Utah
Subject Choreography; Individuality; Laban movement analysis
Dissertation Institution University of Utah
Dissertation Name Master of Fine Arts
Language eng
Rights Management Copyright © Alyssa Suzanne Tolman 2014
Format application/pdf
Format Medium application/pdf
Format Extent 249,067 bytes
Identifier etd3/id/3122
ARK ark:/87278/s69g8w38
Setname ir_etd
ID 196690
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